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There are 19 six-letter words containing VIR

ENVIROenviro n. (Informal) An ecofreak.
enviro- pref. Environmental or environmentalist.
ENVIRO n. (colloquial) an environmentalist.
VIRAGOvirago n. A woman given to undue belligerence or ill manner at the slightest provocation.
virago n. A woman who is scolding, domineering, or highly opinionated.
virago n. A woman who is rough, loud, and aggressive.
VIRALSvirals n. Plural of viral.
VIRAL n. a sales promotion carried out by viral marketing.
VIRENTvirent adj. (Obsolete) green; not withered.
VIRENT adj. (archaic) green; not withered.
VIREOSvireos n. Plural of vireo.
VIREO n. any one of numerous species of American singing birds, aka greenlet.
VIRGAEvirgae n. Plural of virga.
VIRGA n. (Latin) a trail of water-drops coming from cloud but not reaching the ground as precipitation.
VIRGASvirgas n. Plural of virga.
Virgas prop.n. Plural of Virga.
VIRGA n. (Latin) a trail of water-drops coming from cloud but not reaching the ground as precipitation.
VIRGERvirger n. Alternative form of verger.
VIRGER n. (obsolete) a verger (still the accepted spelling at St Paul's).
VIRGESvirges n. Plural of virge.
VIRGE n. (obsolete) verge.
VIRGINvirgin n. A person who has never had sexual intercourse (but may have engaged in other sexual acts, such as masturbation).
virgin n. A person who has never engaged in any sexual activity at all.
virgin n. (Catholicism, Orthodoxy or historical) Someone vowed to virginity (usually a woman and often a consecrated…
VIRILEvirile adj. Manly; having characteristics associated with being male, such as strength; exhibiting masculine traits…
virile adj. (Physiology, of a male) Possessing high sexual drive and capacity for sexual intercourse.
virile adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to a grammatical gender used in plurals of some Slavic languages, corresponding…
VIRINGviring v. Present participle of vire.
VIRE v. to transfer funds by virement.
VIRINOvirino n. (Biology) A hypothetical infectious particle, consisting of nucleic acids in a protective coat of host…
VIRINO n. a hypothetical particle said to be the cause of BSE.
VIRIONvirion n. (Virology) A single individual particle of a virus (the viral equivalent of a cell).
VIRION n. a virus particle in its mature, infectious state.
VIROIDviroid n. A short section of RNA but without the protein coat typical of viruses, that are plant pathogens.
viroid n. Certain defective viruses, such as hepatitis D, a human pathogen.
VIROID n. a viruslike plant pathogen.
VIROSEvirose adj. Having a nauseous odour; fetid; poisonous.
VIROSE adj. poisonous; foul, also VIROUS.
VIROUSvirous adj. (Dated) viral.
VIROUS adj. poisonous, foul, also VIROSE.
VIRTUEvirtue n. (Uncountable) Accordance with moral principles; conformity of behaviour or thought with the strictures…
virtue n. A particular manifestation of moral excellence in a person; an admirable quality.
virtue n. Specifically, each of several qualities held to be particularly important, including the four cardinal…
VIRTUSVIRTU n. (French) a love or taste for the fine arts, also VERTU.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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