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There are 14 six-letter words containing VEE

ARVEESARVEE n. (short for) recreational vehicle (RV).
CORVEEcorvee n. Unpaid labor required by a feudal lord.
corvee n. Labor, especially for roads or dams, in lieu of taxes.
corvée n. Alternative form of corvee.
CUVEEScuvees n. Plural of cuvee.
cuvées n. Plural of cuvée.
CUVEE n. (French) a vat of blended wine of uniform quality.
HUMVEEhumvee n. Alternative spelling of Humvee.
Humvee n. (US, military) A diesel-powered, four-wheel drive tactical military vehicle that can carry a wide variety…
HUMVEE n. (tradename) a high mobility multipurpose military wheeled vehicle.
JAYVEEjayvee n. A member of a junior varsity team.
JAYVEE n. a junior varsity player.
LAVEERlaveer v. (Nautical, obsolete) To beat against the wind; to tack.
LAVEER v. (archaic) to sail against the wind.
LEVEEDleveed adj. Having a levee.
LEVEE v. to attend such a reception.
LEVEESlevees n. Plural of levee.
levées n. Plural of levée.
LEVEE v. to attend such a reception.
PAVEEDpavéed v. Simple past tense and past participle of pavé.
PAVEED adj. set close together to conceal a metal base.
TEEVEEteevee n. (Colloquial) television.
TEEVEE n. (colloquial) television.
VEEJAYveejay n. Someone who presents a television programme of videos; a video jockey.
veejay v. To work as a video jockey; to present videos.
veejay n. (Informal) Vagina, vulva.
VEENASveenas n. Plural of veena.
VEENA n. (Sanskrit) an Indian stringed instrument, also VINA.
VEEPEEveepee n. (Informal) A vice president.
VEEPEE n. (US colloquial) a vice-president, also VEEP.
VEEREDveered v. Simple past tense and past participle of veer.
VEER v. to change direction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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