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There are 15 words containing UNGULA

UNGULAungula n. A hoof, claw, or talon.
ungula n. (Geometry) A section of a cylinder, cone, or other solid of revolution, cut off by a plane oblique to…
ungula n. (Botany) Alternative form of unguis.
UNGULAEungulae n. Plural of ungula.
UNGULA n. (Latin) a nail, claw or hoof, also UNGUIS.
UNGULARungular adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to a hoof, claw, or talon.
UNGULAR adj. of or like an ungula, a hoof, claw, or talon.
UNGULATEungulate adj. Having hooves.
ungulate adj. Shaped like a hoof.
ungulate n. An ungulate animal; a hooved mammal.
UNGULATESungulates n. Plural of ungulate.
UNGULATE n. a hoofed mammal.
NOTUNGULATEnotungulate n. Alternative form of notoungulate.
NOTUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals, also NOTOUNGULATE.
SUBUNGULATEsubungulate n. (Zoology) Any of various mammals, thought to have evolved from ungulates, sometimes grouped in the taxon Paenungulata.
subungulate adj. (Zoology) Hoofed, but with several digits.
SUBUNGULATE adj. belonging to the Subungulata, a classification of animals including the elephants, hyraxes, sea cows and aardvark.
MULTUNGULATEmultungulate adj. Having many hoofs.
multungulate n. Any mammal with many hoofs.
MULTUNGULATE adj. having the hoof divided into more than two parts.
NOTOUNGULATEnotoungulate n. (Paleontology) Any of several extinct, hoofed, herbivorous mammals of the order Notoungulata, from Cenozoic…
notoungulate adj. Characteristic of these animals.
NOTOUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals common in South America between the Palaeocene and Pleistocene eras, also NOTUNGULATE.
NOTUNGULATESnotungulates n. Plural of notungulate.
NOTUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals, also NOTOUNGULATE.
SUBUNGULATESsubungulates n. Plural of subungulate.
SUBUNGULATE n. a member of the Subungulata.
MULTUNGULATESmultungulates n. Plural of multungulate.
MULTUNGULATE n. a multungulate animal.
NOTOUNGULATESnotoungulates n. Plural of notoungulate.
NOTOUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals common in South America between the Palaeocene and Pleistocene eras, also NOTUNGULATE.
SOLIDUNGULATEsolidungulate n. (Zoology) A mammal having a single hoof on each foot.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.
SOLIDUNGULATESsolidungulates n. Plural of solidungulate.
SOLIDUNGULATE n. an animal with an uncloven hoof, also SOLIDUNGULOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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