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There are 16 words containing ULKING

BULKINGbulking n. (Bodybuilding) A period of intentional weight gain.
bulking v. Present participle of bulk.
BULKING n. the act of gathering into a mass.
HULKINGhulking adj. Large and bulky, heavily built; massive.
hulking adj. Unwieldy.
hulking v. Present participle of hulk.
SULKINGsulking v. Present participle of sulk.
sulking n. The act of one who sulks.
SULK v. to become sullen and aloof.
BAULKINGbaulking v. Present participle of baulk.
baulking n. Alternative form of balking.
BAULK v. to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
BULKINGSbulkings n. Plural of bulking.
BULKING n. the act of gathering into a mass.
CAULKINGcaulking v. Present participle of caulk.
caulking n. A sealing material used to seal joints between heterogeneous materials in many kinds of construction and manufacture.
CAULKING n. the material used to caulk the seams of a ship.
SCULKINGsculking v. Present participle of sculk.
SCULK v. to move about stealthily, also SKULK.
SKULKINGskulking v. Present participle of skulk.
skulking n. The action of one who skulks.
SKULKING n. the act of skulking.
WAULKINGwaulking v. Present participle of waulk.
waulking n. The work by which cloth is waulked.
WAULK v. to full (cloth), also WAUK.
CAULKINGScaulkings n. Plural of caulking.
CAULKING n. the material used to caulk the seams of a ship.
SKULKINGSskulkings n. Plural of skulking.
SKULKING n. the act of skulking.
BAULKINGLYbaulkingly adv. Alternative form of balkingly.
BAULKING adv. BAULK, to refrain from proceeding, also BALK, BAUK.
OUTBULKINGoutbulking v. Present participle of outbulk.
OUTBULK v. to surpass in bulking.
OUTSULKINGoutsulking v. Present participle of outsulk.
OUTSULK v. to surpass in sulking.
SKULKINGLYskulkingly adv. In a skulking manner.
OVERBULKINGoverbulking v. Present participle of overbulk.
OVERBULK v. (Shakespeare) to oppress by bulk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 38 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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