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There are 8 words containing ULATUR

MACULATUREmaculature n. (Dated) Blotting paper.
maculature n. (Figuratively) Paper waste; printed materials that may not be read, such as junk mail.
MACULATURE n. blotting paper.
TUBULATUREtubulature n. (Chemistry) A tubulure.
TUBULATURE n. tubes collectively.
MACULATURESmaculatures n. Plural of maculature.
MACULATURE n. blotting paper.
MUSCULATUREmusculature n. The collection of all muscles in a single body or in a single organ.
musculature n. The structural configuration of muscle in a body or organ.
MUSCULATURE n. the muscles of all or a part of the animal body.
TUBULATUREStubulatures n. Plural of tubulature.
TUBULATURE n. tubes collectively.
VASCULATUREvasculature n. (Anatomy) The arrangement of blood vessels in the body, or within an organ.
VASCULATURE n. the arrangement of blood vessels.
MUSCULATURESmusculatures n. Plural of musculature.
MUSCULATURE n. the muscles of all or a part of the animal body.
VASCULATURESvasculatures n. Plural of vasculature.
VASCULATURE n. the arrangement of blood vessels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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