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There are 9 words containing UBERNA

GUBERNATORgubernator n. Leader.
gubernator n. (Now humorous) Governor.
GUBERNATOR n. (Latin) a powerful man in government.
CONTUBERNALcontubernal adj. (Rare) Living in close proximity (as though sharing a tent); intimate, familiar.
contubernal adj. (Historical) Of a relationship between a male and female slave: sexual in nature and somewhat similar…
CONTUBERNAL adj. living or messing together; intimate, also CONTUBERNYAL.
GUBERNACULAgubernacula n. Plural of gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
GUBERNATIONgubernation n. The act of governing; government.
GUBERNATION n. control, rule.
GUBERNATORSgubernators n. Plural of gubernator.
GUBERNATOR n. (Latin) a powerful man in government.
GUBERNACULARgubernacular adj. Relating to the gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULAR adj. relating to the gubernaculum, in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
GUBERNACULUMgubernaculum n. A part or structure that serves as a guide…
GUBERNACULUM n. in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
GUBERNATIONSgubernations n. Plural of gubernation.
GUBERNATION n. control, rule.
GUBERNATORIALgubernatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a governor.
GUBERNATORIAL adj. belonging to a governor (esp. the Governor of an American state) or the office of governor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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