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There are 11 words containing UNGAL

FUNGALfungal adj. Of or pertaining to a fungus or fungi.
FUNGAL adj. relating to fungi e.g. a fungal infection.
FUNGAL n. a fungus.
FUNGALSFUNGAL n. a fungus.
BUNGALOWbungalow n. A single-storey house, typically with rooms all on one level, or sometimes also with upper rooms set…
bungalow n. A thatched or tiled one-story house in India surrounded by a wide veranda; a similar house in this style.
BUNGALOW n. (Hindi) a lightly-built house, properly one with a veranda and one storey.
UNGALLEDungalled adj. Not galled.
UNGALLED adj. not galled.
BUNGALOIDbungaloid n. (Sometimes derogatory) A house resembling a bungalow.
BUNGALOID adj. (facetious) of or like a bungalow.
BUNGALOID n. a dwelling like a bungalow.
BUNGALOWSbungalows n. Plural of bungalow.
BUNGALOW n. (Hindi) a lightly-built house, properly one with a veranda and one storey.
UNGALLANTungallant adj. Not gallant; ignoble, dishonourable, unvaliant.
UNGALLANT adj. not gallant.
ANTIFUNGALantifungal adj. (Pharmacology) That inhibits the growth of fungi; antimycotic.
antifungal n. (Pharmacology) A drug that inhibits the growth of fungi.
ANTIFUNGAL adj. designed to prevent fungal infection.
BUNGALOIDSbungaloids n. Plural of bungaloid.
BUNGALOID n. a dwelling like a bungalow.
ANTIFUNGALSantifungals n. Plural of antifungal.
ANTIFUNGAL n. a drug designed to prevent fungal infection.
UNGALLANTLYungallantly adv. In an ungallant way.
UNGALLANT adv. not gallant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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