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There are 17 words containing UNDIV

GERUNDIVALgerundival adj. (Grammar) Pertaining to the gerundive form of a word.
GERUNDIVAL adj. relating to a gerundive, also GERUNDIAL.
GERUNDIVEgerundive n. (In Latin grammar) a verbal adjective that describes obligation or necessity, equivalent in form to…
gerundive n. (Less commonly, in English grammar) a verbal adjective ending in -ing , also called a "present participle".
gerundive adj. Gerundial.
GERUNDIVELYgerundively adv. In the manner of a gerund; as, or in place of, a gerund.
GERUNDIVE adv. relating to a gerund.
GERUNDIVESgerundives n. Plural of gerundive.
GERUNDIVE n. a Latin verbal adjective expressing necessity.
UNDIVERSIFIEDundiversified adj. Not diversified.
UNDIVERSIFIED adj. not diversified.
UNDIVERTEDundiverted adj. Not diverted.
UNDIVERTED adj. not diverted.
UNDIVERTINGundiverting adj. Not diverting.
UNDIVERTING adj. not diverting.
UNDIVESTEDundivested adj. Not divested.
UNDIVESTED adj. not divested.
UNDIVIDABLEundividable adj. Not dividable.
UNDIVIDABLE adj. that cannot be divided.
UNDIVIDEDundivided adj. Unified, whole.
UNDIVIDED adj. not divided.
UNDIVIDEDLYundividedly adv. In an undivided manner.
UNDIVIDED adv. not divided.
UNDIVIDEDNESSundividedness n. The state or condition of being undivided; unanimity, wholeness.
UNDIVIDEDNESS n. the state of being undivided.
UNDIVIDEDNESSESUNDIVIDEDNESS n. the state of being undivided.
UNDIVINEundivine adj. Not divine; not holy.
UNDIVINE adj. not divine.
UNDIVORCEDundivorced adj. Not divorced.
undivorced v. Simple past tense and past participle of undivorce.
UNDIVORCED adj. not divorced.
UNDIVULGEDundivulged adj. Not divulged; not disclosed.
UNDIVULGED adj. not divulged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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