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There are 18 words containing UGATI

ASSUBJUGATINGassubjugating v. Present participle of assubjugate.
ASSUBJUGATE v. (Shakespeare) to reduce to subjection.
CENTRIFUGATIONcentrifugation n. The process in which mixtures are separated using the centripetal force generated by spinning in a centrifuge.
CENTRIFUGATION n. separation by centrifuge.
CENTRIFUGATIONScentrifugations n. Plural of centrifugation.
CENTRIFUGATION n. separation by centrifuge.
CONJUGATINGconjugating v. Present participle of conjugate.
conjugating n. Conjugation.
CONJUGATING n. the act of conjugation.
CONJUGATINGSconjugatings n. Plural of conjugating.
CONJUGATING n. the act of conjugation.
CONJUGATIONconjugation n. The coming together of things; union.
conjugation n. (Biology) The temporary fusion of organisms, especially as part of sexual reproduction.
conjugation n. Sexual relations within marriage.
CONJUGATIONALconjugational adj. Of or pertaining to conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adj. conjugate.
CONJUGATIONALLYconjugationally adv. In terms of conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adv. conjugate.
CONJUGATIONSconjugations n. Plural of conjugation.
CONJUGATION n. a schematic arrangement of the inflectional forms of a verb.
CONJUGATIVEconjugative adj. Of, relating to, or producing combination or conjunction; combinative or connective.
CONJUGATIVE adj. conjugate.
CORRUGATINGcorrugating v. Present participle of corrugate.
CORRUGATE v. to wrinkle or draw into folds.
CORRUGATIONcorrugation n. The process of corrugating; contraction into wrinkles or alternate ridges and grooves.
corrugation n. Washboarding (the appearance of ripples or bumps on a dirt or gravel road).
CORRUGATION n. the act of corrugating.
CORRUGATIONScorrugations n. Plural of corrugation.
CORRUGATION n. the act of corrugating.
NOUGATINEnougatine n. Brown nougat, made from caramelized sugar.
nougatine n. Dutch dessert, made from two chocolate covered meringue cookies with cream in the middle and cream on…
NOUGATINE n. nougat covered with chocolate.
NOUGATINESnougatines n. Plural of nougatine.
NOUGATINE n. nougat covered with chocolate.
SUBJUGATINGsubjugating v. Present participle of subjugate.
SUBJUGATE v. to bring under the yoke; to make subservient.
SUBJUGATIONsubjugation n. The act of subjugating.
subjugation n. The state of being subjugated; forced control by others.
SUBJUGATION n. the act of subjugating.
SUBJUGATIONSsubjugations n. Plural of subjugation.
SUBJUGATION n. the act of subjugating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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