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There are 13 words containing UDITO

AUDITORauditor n. One who audits bookkeeping accounts.
auditor n. In many jurisdictions, an elected or appointed public official in charge of the public accounts; a comptroller.
auditor n. One who audits an academic course; who attends the lectures but does not earn academic credit.
AUDITORIAauditoria n. Plural of auditorium.
AUDITORIUM n. (Latin) the part of a theatre, lecture-hall, or other public building occupied by the audience.
AUDITORIALauditorial adj. Auditory.
AUDITORIAL adj. relating to an auditor.
AUDITORIESauditories n. Plural of auditory.
AUDITORY n. a group of listeners, also AUDITIVE.
AUDITORILYauditorily adv. With regard to hearing.
AUDITORY adv. related to hearing.
AUDITORIUMauditorium n. A large room for public meetings or performances.
auditorium n. (In a theater, etc.) the space where the audience is located.
AUDITORIUM n. (Latin) the part of a theatre, lecture-hall, or other public building occupied by the audience.
AUDITORIUMSauditoriums n. Plural of auditorium.
AUDITORIUM n. (Latin) the part of a theatre, lecture-hall, or other public building occupied by the audience.
AUDITORSauditors n. Plural of auditor.
AUDITOR n. one that audits.
AUDITORSHIPauditorship n. The office or function of auditor.
AUDITORSHIP n. the office of auditor.
AUDITORSHIPSauditorships n. Plural of auditorship.
AUDITORSHIP n. the office of auditor.
AUDITORYauditory adj. Of, or relating to hearing, or to the sense or organs of hearing.
auditory n. (Archaic) Synonym of audience.
auditory n. (Archaic) Synonym of auditorium.
NONAUDITORYnonauditory adj. Not auditory.
NONAUDITORY adj. not auditory.
PLAUDITORYplauditory adj. Applauding; commending.
PLAUDITORY adj. issuing enthusiastic approval or applause.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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