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There are 12 words containing UCLEU

KINETONUCLEUSKINETONUCLEUS n. a DNA body located near the base of the flagellum in flagellate protozoa, also KINETOPLAST.
KINETONUCLEUSESKINETONUCLEUS n. a DNA body located near the base of the flagellum in flagellate protozoa, also KINETOPLAST.
MACRONUCLEUSmacronucleus n. (Biology) The larger of the two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans; it controls the nonreproductive…
MACRONUCLEUS n. a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions.
MACRONUCLEUSESMACRONUCLEUS n. a relatively large densely staining nucleus of most ciliate protozoans that is derived from micronuclei and controls various nonreproductive functions.
MICRONUCLEUSmicronucleus n. (Biology) A small nucleus.
micronucleus n. (Biology) The smaller of the nuclei of a ciliate protozoan (that contains genetic material).
MICRONUCLEUS n. a minute nucleus.
NUCLEUSnucleus n. The core, central part of something, around which other elements are assembled.
nucleus n. An initial part or version that will receive additions.
nucleus n. (Chemistry, physics) The massive, positively charged central part of an atom, made up of protons and neutrons.
NUCLEUSESnucleuses n. Plural of nucleus.
NUCLEUS n. (Latin) an essential part of a cell.
PRONUCLEUSpronucleus n. Either of the two haploid nuclei (of a sperm and ovum) that fuse during fertilization.
PRONUCLEUS n. the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization.
PRONUCLEUSESPRONUCLEUS n. the nucleus of a germ-cell after meiosis and before fertilization.
SUBNUCLEUSsubnucleus n. A secondary nucleus (of neurons).
SUBNUCLEUS n. a secondary nucleus.
SUBNUCLEUSESSUBNUCLEUS n. a secondary nucleus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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