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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 10 nine-letter words containing UTERI

CAUTERIEScauteries n. Plural of cautery.
CAUTERY n. something used to destroy tissue.
CAUTERISEcauterise v. To burn, sear, or freeze tissue using a hot iron, electric current or a caustic agent.
CAUTERISE v. to burn or sear with heat or a caustic substance, esp. in surgical operations, also CAUTERIZE.
CAUTERISMcauterism n. (Archaic) The use or application of a caustic; cautery.
CAUTERISM n. the use or application of a caustic.
CAUTERIZEcauterize v. (American spelling, Canadian spelling, Oxford) To burn, sear, or freeze tissue using a hot iron, electric…
CAUTERIZE v. to burn or sear with heat or a caustic substance, esp. in surgical operations, also CAUTERISE.
DEUTERIDEdeuteride n. (Chemistry) Any hydride in which normal hydrogen is replaced by deuterium.
DEUTERIDE n. a hydrogen compound containing another element.
DEUTERIUMdeuterium n. (Physics) An isotope of hydrogen formed of one proton and one neutron in each atom - 21H.
deuterium n. An atom of this isotope.
DEUTERIUM n. heavy hydrogen, an isotope of hydrogen of double mass.
FOUTERINGFOUTER v. (Scots) to mess around aimlessly, also FOOTRA, FOUTRA, FOUTRE.
LOUTERIESLOUTERY n. loutish behaviour.
MOUTERINGMOUTER v. to take mouter for, also MULTURE.
NEUTERINGneutering v. Present participle of neuter.
neutering n. The act by which something is neutered.
NEUTERING n. the act of castrating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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