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There are 20 eight-letter words containing UNTIN

BLUNTINGblunting v. Present participle of blunt.
blunting n. The process by which something is made blunt.
BLUNT v. to make blunt.
BRUNTINGbrunting v. Present participle of brunt.
BRUNT v. to bear the chief stress of.
BUNTINGSbuntings n. Plural of bunting.
Buntings prop.n. Plural of Bunting.
BUNTING n. any of the small finch-like birds of the subfamily Emberizinae.
COUNTINGcounting n. A count.
counting n. The act by which something is counted.
counting v. Present participle of count.
DAUNTINGdaunting adj. Discouraging; inspiring fear.
daunting adj. Intimidatingly impressive; awe-inspiring, overwhelming.
daunting adj. Appearing to be difficult; challenging.
GAUNTINGGAUNT v. to yawn, also GANT.
GRUNTINGgrunting v. Present participle of grunt.
grunting n. A sound of grunts.
grunting adj. Producing grunts.
HAUNTINGhaunting v. Present participle of haunt.
haunting adj. Remaining in the mind; not easily forgotten.
haunting n. A particular instance of haunting; a ghostly habitation.
HUNTINGShuntings n. Plural of hunting.
Huntings prop.n. Plural of Hunting.
HUNTING n. an instance of searching.
JAUNTINGjaunting v. Present participle of jaunt.
jaunting n. The act of taking a jaunt.
JAUNT v. to go on a pleasure trip.
MOUNTINGmounting adj. That continues to mount; steadily accumulating.
mounting v. Present participle of mount.
mounting n. Something mounted; an attachment.
MUNTINEDmuntined adj. Furnished or decorated with muntins.
MUNTINED adj. having a muntin, a dividing strip for window panels.
MUNTINGSmuntings n. Plural of munting.
MUNTING n. the vertical framing piece between door panels, also MUNTIN.
SAUNTINGSAUNT v. to sanctify.
SHUNTINGshunting v. Present participle of shunt.
shunting n. The connection of an electrical component in parallel with another, the current being divided between them.
shunting n. The manipulation of railway rolling stock into different combinations or onto different tracks.
STUNTINGstunting v. Present participle of stunt.
stunting n. (Informal) The act of performing stunts or ostentatiously showing off.
stunting n. (Medicine) Stunted growth, often caused by chronic malnutrition.
TAUNTINGtaunting v. Present participle of taunt.
taunting n. The act of one who taunts.
TAUNTING adj. goading.
UNTINGEDuntinged adj. Not tinged; untouched, unpolluted.
UNTINGED adj. not tinged.
UNTINNEDuntinned adj. Not coated with tin.
untinned adj. Not packaged in a tin; uncanned.
untinned v. Simple past tense and past participle of untin.
VAUNTINGvaunting v. Present participle of vaunt.
vaunting n. Boasting.
VAUNTING adj. boastful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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