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There are 17 eight-letter words containing UGGIN

BUGGINGSbuggings n. Plural of bugging.
BUGGING n. the concealment of a listening device.
CHUGGINGchugging v. Present participle of chug.
chugging n. The sound of something that chugs.
CHUGGING n. the act of soliciting for charity in the street.
DRUGGINGdrugging v. Present participle of drug.
drugging n. The act of giving a dose of drugs.
DRUG v. to dose with a medicinal substance.
FRUGGINGfrugging n. The process whereby a product marketer falsely purports to be a market researcher conducting a statistical…
FRUG v. to perform a type of vigorous dance.
GLUGGINGglugging v. Present participle of glug.
glugging n. A sound that glugs.
GLUG v. to make a gurgling sound.
JUGGINGSjuggings n. Plural of jugging.
JUGGING n. the act of jugging.
MUGGINGSmuggings n. Plural of mugging.
MUGGING n. a street assault.
PLUGGINGplugging v. Present participle of plug.
plugging n. The act of stopping with a plug.
plugging n. The material of which a plug or stopper is made.
PUGGINGSpuggings n. Plural of pugging.
PUGGING n. the working of clay for making bricks.
RUGGINGSruggings n. Plural of rugging.
RUGGING n. a coarse kind of woollen cloth, used for wrapping, blanketing, etc.
SCUGGINGscugging v. Present participle of scug.
SCUG v. (Scots) to shelter, also SCOG, SCOOG, SCOUG, SKOG, SKUG.
SKUGGINGskugging v. Present participle of skug.
SKUG v. (Scots) to shelter, also SCOG, SCOOG, SCOUG, SCUG, SKOG.
SLUGGINGslugging v. Present participle of slug.
slugging n. (US) A blow or blows with the fist; a beating.
slugging n. (US) The act of hitting a ball hard; slogging.
SMUGGINGsmugging v. Present participle of smug.
smugging n. (Obsolete, slang) Something seized or confiscated; a stolen item.
SMUG v. to seize without ceremony.
SNUGGINGsnugging v. Present participle of snug.
SNUG v. to lie close.
SUGGINGSSUGGING n. selling under the guise of market research.
TUGGINGStuggings n. Plural of tugging.
TUGGING n. the act of tugging.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 20 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 4 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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