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There are 8 fourteen-letter words containing UDINA

ALTITUDINARIANaltitudinarian adj. Lofty in doctrine, aims, etc.
altitudinarian n. One who is lofty in doctrine, aims, etc.
ALTITUDINARIAN n. someone tending to loftiness in doctrine.
ATTITUDINARIANattitudinarian n. One who attitudinizes; a posture maker.
ATTITUDINARIAN n. a person who studies attitudes.
CONSUETUDINARYconsuetudinary n. A ritual book containing the forms and ceremonies used in the services of a particular monastery, cathedral…
consuetudinary n. An unwritten law established by usage, derived by immemorial custom from antiquity.
consuetudinary adj. (Law) Customary; considered law by virtue of the fact that it is generally observed.
LATITUDINARIANlatitudinarian adj. Not restrained; not confined by precise limits.
latitudinarian adj. Tolerant, especially of other people’s religious views.
latitudinarian adj. Lax in moral or religious principles.
LONGITUDINALLYlongitudinally adv. Along lines of longitude, in the direction from pole to pole, meridianally.
longitudinally adv. (Sciences and social sciences) By sampling data over time rather than merely once.
longitudinally adv. Lengthwise (rather than crosswise).
SOLITUDINARIANsolitudinarian n. (Archaic) One who remains solitary.
SOLITUDINARIAN n. a recluse.
VALETUDINARIANvaletudinarian adj. Sickly, infirm, of ailing health.
valetudinarian adj. Being overly worried about one’s health.
valetudinarian n. A person in poor health or sickly, especially one who is constantly obsessed with their state of health.
VALETUDINARIESvaletudinaries n. Plural of valetudinary.
VALETUDINARY n. a valetudinarian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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