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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing UNCTU

ACUPUNCTURALacupunctural adj. Relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURAL adj. relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURESacupunctures n. Plural of acupuncture.
acupunctures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURE n. the complementary therapy of puncturing the skin with needles at specified points in order to cure illness.
CONJUNCTURALconjunctural adj. Relating to, or caused by conjunctures.
CONJUNCTURAL adj. relating to conjuncture.
CONJUNCTURESconjunctures n. Plural of conjuncture.
CONJUNCTURE n. a juncture.
DISJUNCTURESdisjunctures n. Plural of disjuncture.
DISJUNCTURE n. the act of disjoining, also DISJUNCTION.
MISPUNCTUATEmispunctuate v. To punctuate incorrectly.
MISPUNCTUATE v. to punctuate wrongly.
PUNCTUALISTSpunctualists n. Plural of punctualist.
PUNCTUALIST n. (obsolete) an authority on or observer of punctilios.
PUNCTUATIONSpunctuations n. Plural of punctuation.
PUNCTUATION n. the act of punctuating.
PUNCTULATINGpunctulating v. Present participle of punctulate.
PUNCTULATE v. to mark with small dots.
PUNCTULATIONpunctulation n. The quality of being punctulate.
PUNCTULATION n. the state of having small spots.
PUNCTURATIONpuncturation n. The act or process of puncturing.
puncturation n. A puncture mark.
PUNCTURATION n. being marked with punctures.
REPUNCTUATEDrepunctuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of repunctuate.
REPUNCTUATESrepunctuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of repunctuate.
UNCTUOSITIESunctuosities n. Plural of unctuosity.
UNCTUOSITY n. the state of being unctuous.
UNCTUOUSNESSunctuousness n. The state or characteristic of being unctuous.
UNCTUOUSNESS n. the state of being unctuous.
UNPUNCTUATEDunpunctuated adj. Not punctuated, lacking punctuation.
unpunctuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpunctuate.
UNPUNCTUATED adj. not punctuated.
VENEPUNCTUREvenepuncture n. Alternative spelling of venipuncture.
VENEPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENIPUNCTURE.
VENIPUNCTUREvenipuncture n. (Hematology) The puncture of a vein, usually to draw a blood sample, collect a blood donation, or insert…
venipuncture v. To puncture a vein in order to collect blood; to perform venipuncture.
VENIPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENEPUNCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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