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There are 16 words containing USEN

CAUSENCAUSEN v. (Spenser) to cause (no separate inflections).
DRUSENdrusen n. Plural of druse.
DRUSE n. a crust of small crystals lining a rock cavity.
HAUSENhausen n. European sturgeon (Huso huso).
HAUSEN n. (German) a large sturgeon from the region of the Black Sea, aka beluga.
HAUSENShausens n. Plural of hausen.
HAUSEN n. (German) a large sturgeon from the region of the Black Sea, aka beluga.
REFUSENIKrefusenik n. (Soviet Union, slang, historical) One of the citizens of the former Soviet Union, typically but not…
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who refuses to do something, for example one who refuses conscription or vaccination.
refusenik n. (Colloquial) A person who wants to do something but is refused permission to.
OBTUSENESSobtuseness n. The quality of being obtuse.
obtuseness n. Something that is obtuse.
OBTUSENESS n. the state of being obtuse.
REFUSENIKSrefuseniks n. Plural of refusenik.
REFUSENIK n. (Russian) a Soviet Jew wishing to emigrate; a dissident, also REFUSNIK.
DIFFUSENESSdiffuseness n. (Uncountable) The state or quality of being diffuse.
diffuseness n. (Countable) The result or product of being diffuse.
DIFFUSENESS n. the state of being diffuse.
PROFUSENESSprofuseness n. The quality of being profuse; profusion.
PROFUSENESS n. the state of being profuse.
RECLUSENESSrecluseness n. The quality or state of being recluse.
RECLUSENESS n. the state of being recluse.
ABSTRUSENESSabstruseness n. The property of being abstruse; abstrusity.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.
OBTUSENESSESobtusenesses n. Plural of obtuseness.
OBTUSENESS n. the state of being obtuse.
DIFFUSENESSESdiffusenesses n. Plural of diffuseness.
DIFFUSENESS n. the state of being diffuse.
PROFUSENESSESprofusenesses n. Plural of profuseness.
PROFUSENESS n. the state of being profuse.
RECLUSENESSESRECLUSENESS n. the state of being recluse.
ABSTRUSENESSESabstrusenesses n. Plural of abstruseness.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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