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There are 20 words containing UPTU

RUPTURABLErupturable adj. Capable of being ruptured.
RUPTURABLE adj. that can be ruptured.
RUPTURErupture n. A burst, split, or break.
rupture n. A social breach or break, between individuals or groups.
rupture n. (Medicine) A break or tear in soft tissue, such as a muscle.
RUPTUREDruptured adj. Having a rupture; broken, leaking.
ruptured v. Simple past tense and past participle of rupture.
RUPTURE v. to burst.
RUPTURESruptures n. Plural of rupture.
ruptures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rupture.
RUPTURE v. to burst.
RUPTUREWORTrupturewort n. A plant of the genus Herniaria, especially Herniaria glabra, formerly used in the treatment of hernia…
rupturewort n. A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides), somewhat resembling burstwort.
RUPTUREWORT n. a caryophyllaceous plant once thought to cure hernia.
RUPTUREWORTSruptureworts n. Plural of rupturewort.
RUPTUREWORT n. a caryophyllaceous plant once thought to cure hernia.
RUPTURINGrupturing v. Present participle of rupture.
RUPTURE v. to burst.
UNRUPTUREDunruptured adj. (Medicine) Not having ruptured yet.
UNRUPTURED adj. not ruptured.
UPTURNupturn n. An upward turn or trend, especially in business activity or profit.
upturn v. To turn (something) up or over.
UPTURN v. to turn up or over.
UPTURNEDupturned adj. Turned over; inverted; capsized.
upturned adj. (Of a nose etc.) turned up at the end.
upturned adj. Looking upwards, turned upwards.
UPTURNINGupturning v. Present participle of upturn.
upturning n. A turning upward.
UPTURNING n. the act of turning upwards.
UPTURNINGSupturnings n. Plural of upturning.
UPTURNING n. the act of turning upwards.
UPTURNSupturns n. Plural of upturn.
upturns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upturn.
UPTURN v. to turn up or over.
VOLUPTUARIESvoluptuaries n. Plural of voluptuary.
VOLUPTUARY n. a sensualist; a person fond of luxury.
VOLUPTUARYvoluptuary n. One whose life is devoted to sensual appetites; a pleasure-seeker, a sensualist.
voluptuary adj. Of or relating to the seeking of sensual pleasure.
VOLUPTUARY n. a sensualist; a person fond of luxury.
VOLUPTUOSITIESVOLUPTUOSITY n. (obsolete) voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOSITYvoluptuosity n. Voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOSITY n. (obsolete) voluptuousness.
VOLUPTUOUSvoluptuous adj. Suggestive of or characterized by full, generous, pleasurable sensation.
voluptuous adj. (Of a woman) Curvaceous and sexually attractive.
VOLUPTUOUS adj. given up to luxury; sensuous.
VOLUPTUOUSLYvoluptuously adv. In a voluptuous manner.
VOLUPTUOUS adv. given up to luxury; sensuous.
VOLUPTUOUSNESSvoluptuousness n. Sensuality; the quality of being sensuous.
voluptuousness n. Sexuality; the quality of being sensual.
VOLUPTUOUSNESS n. the state of being voluptuous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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