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There are 20 words containing UPON

UPONupon prep. Physically above and in contact with.
upon prep. Physically directly supported by.
upon prep. Being followed by another so as to form a series.
JUPONjupon n. (Historical) A close-fitting sleeveless jacket, descending below the hips, worn over armour.
jupon n. A petticoat.
JUPON n. a sleeveless jacket worn beneath a hauberk, also GIPON.
YUPONyupon n. (Now uncommon) Alternative form of yaupon.
YUPON n. a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YAUPON, YOUPON.
COUPONcoupon n. A section of a ticket, showing the holder to be entitled to some specified accommodation or service…
coupon n. A voucher issued by a manufacturer or retailer which offers a discount on a particular product.
coupon n. (Finance, obsolete) A certificate of interest due, printed at the bottom of transferable bonds (State…
JUPONSjupons n. Plural of jupon.
JUPON n. a sleeveless jacket worn beneath a hauberk, also GIPON.
YAUPONyaupon n. The yaupon holly, Ilex vomitoria, an evergreen holly shrub with white flowers and red or yellow berries…
yaupon n. A tea-like drink, "black drink", brewed from the leaves of this holly (or, sometimes, Ilex cassine).
YAUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YOUPON, YUPON.
YOUPONyoupon n. Archaic form of yaupon.
YOUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YAUPON, YUPON.
YUPONSyupons n. Plural of yupon.
YUPON n. a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YAUPON, YOUPON.
COUPONScoupons n. Plural of coupon.
COUPON n. a voucher.
CROUPONcroupon n. (Obsolete) The croup of a horse or quadruped.
croupon n. (Obsolete) The human buttocks.
CROUPON n. the human buttocks.
YAUPONSyaupons n. Plural of yaupon.
YAUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YOUPON, YUPON.
YOUPONSyoupons n. Plural of youpon.
YOUPON n. (Catawba) a bushy evergreen shrub of the holly genus, also YAPON, YAUPON, YUPON.
CROUPONScroupons n. Plural of croupon.
CROUPON n. the human buttocks.
DUPONDIIdupondii n. Plural of dupondius.
DUPONDIUS n. an old Roman coin.
HEREUPONhereupon adv. Immediately afterwards; at this.
HEREUPON adv. immediately following this.
COUPONINGcouponing n. The use or distribution of money-saving coupons.
COUPONING n. rationing by means of coupons.
DUPONDIUSdupondius n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, equal to two asses.
DUPONDIUS n. an old Roman coin.
THEREUPONthereupon adv. Upon that; thereon.
thereupon adv. In consequence, or by reason, of that; therefore.
thereupon adv. Following that; forthwith; in sequence, but not necessarily in consequence.
WHEREUPONwhereupon conj. After which, in consequence.
whereupon conj. Upon which.
WHEREUPON adv. at which point.
COUPONINGSCOUPONING n. rationing by means of coupons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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