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There are 14 words containing UPID

CUPIDcupid n. A putto carrying a bow and arrow, representing Cupid or love.
cupid n. Any of various lycaenid butterflies of the genera Chilades, Cupido and Everes.
Cupid prop.n. (Roman mythology) The god of love, son of Venus; sometimes depicted as a cherub (a naked, winged boy…
CUPIDINOUScupidinous adj. Characterized by or related to cupidity (greed, desire for wealth).
CUPIDINOUS adj. full of desire, amorous.
CUPIDITIEScupidities n. Plural of cupidity.
CUPIDITY n. avarice, greed.
CUPIDITYcupidity n. Extreme greed, especially for wealth.
CUPIDITY n. avarice, greed.
CUPIDScupids n. Plural of cupid.
Cupids prop.n. A town in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
CUPID n. a statue of the Roman god of love.
STUPIDstupid adj. Lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence.
stupid adj. To the point of stupor.
stupid adj. (Archaic) Characterized by or in a state of stupor; paralysed.
STUPIDERstupider adj. Comparative form of stupid: more stupid.
STUPID adj. foolish.
STUPIDESTstupidest adj. Superlative form of stupid: most stupid.
STUPID adj. foolish.
STUPIDITIESstupidities n. Plural of stupidity.
STUPIDITY n. the quality of being stupid.
STUPIDITYstupidity n. (Uncountable) The property of being stupid.
stupidity n. (Countable) An act that is stupid.
STUPIDITY n. the quality of being stupid.
STUPIDLYstupidly adv. In a stupid manner.
stupidly adv. To an extreme or excessive degree; absurdly.
STUPID adv. foolish.
STUPIDNESSstupidness n. (Uncountable, rare) The quality or state of being stupid.
stupidness n. (Countable, rare) The result or product of being stupid.
STUPIDNESS n. the state of being stupid.
STUPIDNESSESstupidnesses n. Plural of stupidness.
STUPIDNESS n. the state of being stupid.
STUPIDSstupids n. Plural of stupid.
stupids n. (Slang, humorous, with definite article) Stupidity; an instance of foolishness.
STUPID n. a stupid person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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