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There are 11 words containing UNUL

FAUNULAFAUNULA n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULE.
FAUNULAEFAUNULA n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULE.
FAUNULEfaunule n. A thin stratum of animal fossils.
FAUNULE n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULA.
FAUNULESfaunules n. Plural of faunule.
FAUNULE n. the fauna of a small single environment, also FAUNULA.
LUNULAlunula n. (Anatomy) Something shaped like a crescent or half-moon; especially the pale area at the base of the fingernail.
lunula n. (Ancient Rome, historical) A crescent moon-shaped pendant worn by girls in Ancient Rome.
LUNULA n. (Latin) a Bronze Age crescent necklace.
LUNULAElunulae n. Plural of lunula.
lunulæ n. Archaic form of lunulae.
LUNULA n. (Latin) a Bronze Age crescent necklace.
LUNULARlunular adj. (Botany) Having a form like that of the new moon; crescent-shaped.
LUNULAR adj. crescent-shaped.
LUNULATElunulate adj. (Botany, zoology) Resembling a small crescent.
LUNULATE adj. crescent-shaped; having crescent-shaped markings, also LUNULATED.
LUNULATEDlunulated adj. Synonym of lunulate.
LUNULATED adj. crescent-shaped; having crescent-shaped markings, also LUNULATE.
LUNULElunule n. Anything crescent-shaped; a crescent-shaped part or mark; a lunula or lune.
lunule n. A special area in front of the beak of many bivalve shells, sometimes shaped like a double crescent…
LUNULE n. a crescent-shaped mark or organ.
LUNULESlunules n. Plural of lunule.
LUNULE n. a crescent-shaped mark or organ.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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