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There are 8 words containing ULAD

TULADItuladi n. A large lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, found mainly in Canada and northern areas of the US.
TULADI n. (Native American) a lake trout of North America, aka togue, also TOULADI.
ROULADEroulade n. (Music) An elaborate embellishment of several notes sung to one syllable.
roulade n. A slice of meat that is rolled up, stuffed, and cooked.
roulade v. To sing an elaborate embellishment of several notes to one syllable.
TOULADITOULADI n. (Native American) a lake trout of North America, aka togue, also TULADI.
TULADIStuladis n. Plural of tuladi.
TULADI n. (Native American) a lake trout of North America, aka togue, also TOULADI.
ROULADESroulades n. Plural of roulade.
ROULADE n. (French) a meat roll.
TOULADISTOULADI n. (Native American) a lake trout of North America, aka togue, also TULADI.
REMOULADEremoulade n. A popular condiment in many countries, usually mayonnaise-based.
rémoulade n. Alternative spelling of remoulade.
REMOULADE n. (French) a piquant sauce, also REMOLADE.
REMOULADESremoulades n. Plural of remoulade.
rémoulades n. Plural of rémoulade.
REMOULADE n. (French) a piquant sauce, also REMOLADE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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