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There are 17 words containing UCUL

CUCULIFORMcuculiform n. Any bird of the order Cuculiformes.
CUCULIFORM adj. of, relating to, or belonging to the order Cuculiformes, which includes the cuckoo.
CUCULLATEcucullate adj. Cucullated.
CUCULLATE adj. hooded; hood-shaped, also CUCULLATED.
CUCULLATEDcucullated adj. Having a hood or cowl; hooded.
cucullated adj. (Zoology, botany) Having a hood-like covering or component; hood-shaped.
cucullated adj. (Botany) Having the edges toward the base rolled inward, as the leaf of the commonest American blue violet.
CUCULLATELYCUCULLATE adv. hooded; hood-shaped, also CUCULLATED.
LUCULENTluculent adj. (Now rare) Shining, brilliant.
luculent adj. (Obsolete) Of language, speeches etc: lucid, brilliantly clear.
LUCULENT adj. readily understood; lucid.
LUCULENTLYluculently adv. In a luculent manner; clearly.
LUCULENT adv. readily understood; lucid.
MUCULENTmuculent adj. Slimy; moist and moderately viscous.
MUCULENT adj. like mucus.
NUCULEnucule n. (Rare) A section of a compound fruit; a nutlet; a small nut.
nucule n. The oogonium of a charophyte.
NUCULE n. the stone of a fleshy fruit.
NUCULESnucules n. Plural of nucule.
NUCULE n. the stone of a fleshy fruit.
SUBUCULAsubucula n. (Historical) A man’s undergarment or shirt.
subucula n. (Historical) In the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBUCULA n. (Latin) in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBUCULASSUBUCULA n. (Latin) in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
TRUCULENCEtruculence n. The state of being truculent; eagerness to fight; ferocity.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TRUCULENCEStruculences n. Plural of truculence.
TRUCULENCE n. the state of being truculent, aggressive and discourteous, also TRUCULENCY.
TRUCULENCIEStruculencies n. Plural of truculency.
TRUCULENCY n. the state of being truculent, also TRUCULENCE.
TRUCULENCYtruculency n. (Uncountable) Truculence.
truculency n. (Countable) A truculent remark or behaviour.
TRUCULENCY n. the state of being truculent, also TRUCULENCE.
TRUCULENTtruculent adj. Cruel or savage.
truculent adj. Deadly or destructive.
truculent adj. Defiant or uncompromising.
TRUCULENTLYtruculently adv. With aggression; savagely.
TRUCULENT adv. aggressive and discourteous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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