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There are 13 words containing UCON

LEUCONleucon n. A complex sponge structure in which chambers lined with choanocytes are connected by a network of canals.
LEUCON n. a sponge of complex structure.
LEUCONSleucons n. Plural of leucon.
LEUCON n. a sponge of complex structure.
GLUCONICgluconic adj. Of or pertaining to gluconic acid or its derivatives.
GLUCONIC adj. as in gluconic acid, an acid that occurs naturally in fruit and wine.
GLUCONATEgluconate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of gluconic acid.
GLUCONATE n. a salt or ester of gluconic acid.
GLAUCONITEglauconite n. (Mineralogy) A greenish form of mica found in greensand.
GLAUCONITE n. a mineral now forming in the sea, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate, which gives a green colour to some of the beds of the Greensand.
GLUCONATESgluconates n. Plural of gluconate.
GLUCONATE n. a salt or ester of gluconic acid.
FLUCONAZOLEfluconazole n. (Pharmacology) An antifungal agent C13H12F2N6O used orally to treat cryptococcal meningitis and local…
GLAUCONITESglauconites n. Plural of glauconite.
GLAUCONITE n. a mineral now forming in the sea, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate, which gives a green colour to some of the beds of the Greensand.
GLAUCONITICglauconitic adj. Relating to, or containing, glauconite.
GLAUCONITIC adj. of or like glauconite, a hydrated potassium iron and aluminium silicate.
FLUCONAZOLESSorry, definition not available.
GLUCONEOGENICgluconeogenic adj. Of or pertaining to gluconeogenesis.
GLUCONEOGENIC adj. relating to gluconeogenesis, the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose.
GLUCONEOGENESESgluconeogeneses n. Plural of gluconeogenesis.
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.
GLUCONEOGENESISgluconeogenesis n. (Biochemistry) The metabolic process in which glucose is formed, mostly in the liver, from non-carbohydrate…
GLUCONEOGENESIS n. the conversion of non-carbohydrate substances, e.g. amino acids, into glucose, also GLYCONEOGENESIS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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