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There are 20 words containing UCKA

PUCKApucka adj. Alternative form of pukka.
PUCKA adj. (Hindi) genuine; first-class, also PAKKA, PUKKA, PUKKAH.
BUCKAROObuckaroo n. A cowboy; specifically, a working cowboy who generally does not partake in rodeos.
buckaroo n. One who sports a distinctive buckaroo style of cowboy clothing, boots, and heritage.
buckaroo n. A style of cowboy boot with a high and uniquely tapered heel.
BUCKAYRObuckayro n. Obsolete form of buckaroo.
TRUCKAGEtruckage n. The carrying of goods by truck.
truckage n. A charge for this.
truckage n. (Obsolete) exchange; bartering; truck.
TUCKAHOEtuckahoe n. Any edible root of a plant used by Native Americans of colonial-era Virginia.
tuckahoe n. (Uncommon, US, Virginia dialect, largely obsolete) A person, especially if poor and malnourished (or…
tuckahoe n. The sclerotium of the wood-decay fungus Wolfiporia extensa, used by Native Americans and the Chinese…
BUCKAROOSbuckaroos n. Plural of buckaroo.
BUCKAYROSbuckayros n. Plural of buckayro.
HUCKABACKhuckaback n. A type of coarse, absorbent cotton or linen fabric used for making towels.
HUCKABACK n. an absorbent cotton or linen used for towels.
MUCKAMUCKmuckamuck n. (Countable, colloquial, sometimes derogatory) A person in a position of power or authority, or of high status.
muckamuck n. (Uncountable, US, dialectal, possibly dated) Food.
muck-a-muck n. Alternative form of muckamuck.
TRUCKABLEtruckable adj. Transportable by truck.
truckable adj. Traversable by truck.
TRUCKABLE adj. that can be conveyed by truck.
TRUCKAGEStruckages n. Plural of truckage.
TRUCKAGE n. transportation of goods by trucks, also TRUCKING.
TUCKAHOEStuckahoes n. Plural of tuckahoe.
TUCKAHOE n. (Native American) an edible fungus of the United States.
TUCKAMOREtuckamore n. (Newfoundland) A spruce tree bent and entangled by winds on the coastal shores of Newfoundland.
TUCKAMORE n. (Canadian) a stunted tree or bush, especially a spruce or juniper, with creeping roots and interlacing branches.
HUCKABACKShuckabacks n. Plural of huckaback.
HUCKABACK n. an absorbent cotton or linen used for towels.
MUCKAMUCKSmuckamucks n. Plural of muckamuck.
muck-a-mucks n. Plural of muck-a-muck.
MUCKAMUCK n. (Canadian) food.
TUCKAMOREStuckamores n. Plural of tuckamore.
TUCKAMORE n. (Canadian) a stunted tree or bush, especially a spruce or juniper, with creeping roots and interlacing branches.
CHUCKAWALLAchuckawalla n. Alternative form of chuckwalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.
MUCKAMUCKEDMUCKAMUCK v. to consume food.
CHUCKAWALLASchuckawallas n. Plural of chuckawalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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