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There are 20 words containing UCIT

LUCITElucite n. Alternative letter-case form of Lucite.
Lucite prop.n. The tough transparent thermoplastic polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA).
LUCITE n. a type of transparent acrylic-based plastic.
BRUCITEbrucite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral form of magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, often found in thin foliated plates, but…
BRUCITE n. a mineral, magnesium hydroxide.
LEUCITEleucite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of silica-poor igneous, plutonic and volcanic rocks. Chemically, leucite is a…
leucite n. (Botany) A leucoplast.
LEUCITE n. a silicate of aluminium and potassium, named for its whitish colour.
LUCITESLUCITE n. a type of transparent acrylic-based plastic.
PAUCITYpaucity n. Fewness in number; too few.
paucity n. A smallness in size or amount that is insufficient; meagerness, dearth.
PAUCITY n. smallness of number or quantity.
RAUCITYraucity n. Harshness of sound; rough utterance; hoarseness.
RAUCITY n. harshness of sound; rough utterance.
ASTUCITYastucity n. Craftiness; astuteness.
ASTUCITY n. astuteness.
BRUCITESbrucites n. Plural of brucite.
BRUCITE n. a mineral, magnesium hydroxide.
CADUCITYcaducity n. Dotage or senility.
caducity n. The state of being impermanent or transitory.
CADUCITY n. the quality of being transitory or perishable.
LEUCITESleucites n. Plural of leucite.
LEUCITE n. a silicate of aluminium and potassium, named for its whitish colour.
LEUCITICleucitic adj. (Mineralogy) Relating to, or composed of leucite.
LEUCITIC adj. containing leucite, as, leucitic rocks.
PAUCITIESpaucities n. Plural of paucity.
PAUCITY n. smallness of number or quantity.
POLLUCITEpollucite n. (Mineralogy) A colorless transparent mineral of the zeolite family consisting of hydrous cesium aluminum…
POLLUCITE n. a colourless rare mineral, hydrated caesium aluminium silicate.
RAUCITIESRAUCITY n. harshness of sound; rough utterance.
ASTUCITIESastucities n. Plural of astucity.
ASTUCITY n. astuteness.
CADUCITIEScaducities n. Plural of caducity.
CADUCITY n. the quality of being transitory or perishable.
POLLUCITESpollucites n. Plural of pollucite.
POLLUCITE n. a colourless rare mineral, hydrated caesium aluminium silicate.
LEUCITOHEDRALEUCITOHEDRON n. the cubic icositetrahedron, simulated by typical leucite crystals.
LEUCITOHEDRONLEUCITOHEDRON n. the cubic icositetrahedron, simulated by typical leucite crystals.
LEUCITOHEDRONSLEUCITOHEDRON n. the cubic icositetrahedron, simulated by typical leucite crystals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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