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There are 16 words containing UBSO

SUBSOILsubsoil n. The layer of earth that is below the topsoil.
subsoil v. (Transitive) To turn up the subsoil of.
SUBSOIL v. to plow the layer of earth below the surface.
SUBSONGsubsong n. (Ornithology) A sequence of sounds uttered by a young bird before it has learned to produce normal birdsong.
SUBSONG n. a bird's undersong.
SUBSOILSsubsoils n. Plural of subsoil.
SUBSOIL v. to plow the layer of earth below the surface.
SUBSOLARsubsolar adj. Directly beneath the sun.
subsolar adj. Between the tropics; equatorial.
SUBSOLAR adj. directly under the sun, as a point on the earth's surface where the sun is vertically overhead.
SUBSONGSsubsongs n. Plural of subsong.
SUBSONG n. a bird's undersong.
SUBSONICsubsonic adj. (Of a sound, scientific) having a frequency too low to be audible.
subsonic adj. (Of a sound, literary) very quiet, almost inaudible.
subsonic adj. (Of a speed) (aviation) less than the speed of sound (in the same medium, and at the same temperature and pressure).
SUBSOCIALsubsocial adj. Having a very limited social structure.
SUBSOCIAL adj. tending to associate gregariously but lacking a fixed social structure.
SUBSOILEDsubsoiled v. Simple past tense and past participle of subsoil.
SUBSOIL v. to plow the layer of earth below the surface.
SUBSOILERsubsoiler n. A type of plough that loosens the subsoil.
SUBSOILER n. a plough for subsoiling.
SUBSOCIETYsubsociety n. A society making up part of a larger society.
SUBSOCIETY n. a subdivision of a society.
SUBSOILERSsubsoilers n. Plural of subsoiler.
SUBSOILER n. a plough for subsoiling.
SUBSOILINGsubsoiling n. Ploughing to the depth of the subsoil.
SUBSOILING n. the act of ploughing the subsoil.
SUBSOCIALLYSUBSOCIAL adv. tending to associate gregariously but lacking a fixed social structure.
SUBSOILINGSsubsoilings n. Plural of subsoiling.
SUBSOILING n. the act of ploughing the subsoil.
SUBSOCIETIESsubsocieties n. Plural of subsociety.
SUBSOCIETY n. a subdivision of a society.
SUBSONICALLYsubsonically adv. In a subsonic manner.
SUBSONIC adv. moving at a speed less than that of sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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