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There are 14 words containing UBIS

CUBISMcubism n. (Often capitalized) An artistic movement in the early 20th Century characterized by the depiction of…
CUBISM n. an art style.
CUBISMScubisms n. Plural of cubism.
CUBISM n. an art style.
CUBISTcubist adj. Alternative letter-case form of Cubist.
cubist n. Alternative letter-case form of Cubist.
cubist n. A player of Rubik’s cube; a cuber.
CUBISTICcubistic adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the style of cubism.
CUBISTIC adj. relating to cubism, also CUBIST.
CUBISTICALLYCUBISTIC adv. relating to cubism, also CUBIST.
CUBISTScubists n. Plural of cubist.
Cubists n. Plural of Cubist.
CUBIST n. a practitioner of cubism.
KRUBISKRUBI n. a malodorous tropical plant, also KRUBUT.
PREPUBISprepubis n. (Anatomy) A bone or cartilage, of some animals, situated in the middle line in front of the pubic bones.
PREPUBIS n. a bone situated in front of the pubic bone.
PUBISpubis n. The pubic bone; the part of the hipbone forming the front arch of the pelvis.
PUBIS n. a bone of the pelvis.
PUBISESPUBIS n. a bone of the pelvis.
SOUBISEsoubise n. A béchamel-based sauce containing strained or puréed onions.
soubise n. A kind of cravat worn by men in the late 18th century.
SOUBISE n. (French) a sauce made with onions or onion puree.
SOUBISESsoubises n. Plural of soubise.
SOUBISE n. (French) a sauce made with onions or onion puree.
TUBISTtubist n. Someone who plays the tuba.
TUBIST n. a tuba player, also TUBAIST.
TUBISTStubists n. Plural of tubist.
TUBIST n. a tuba player, also TUBAIST.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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