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There are 18 nine-letter words containing UTOR

AUTOREPLYautoreply n. Alternative spelling of auto-reply.
auto-reply n. (Email, computing, uncountable) A feature in e-mail software that sends automatic replies, used for…
auto-reply n. (Email, computing, countable) A message sent by this means.
AUTOROUTEautoroute n. (In Quebec) An expressway, freeway, motorway or highway.
autoroute n. An expressway in any Francophone country.
AUTOROUTE n. a Continental motorway.
COADJUTORcoadjutor n. An assistant or helper.
coadjutor n. (Ecclesiastical) An assistant to a bishop.
COADJUTOR n. a bishop assisting a diocesan bishop and having the right of succession.
ELOCUTORYelocutory adj. Relating to elocution.
ELOCUTORY adj. pertaining to elocution.
EXECUTORSexecutors n. Plural of executor.
EXECUTOR n. one who executes, also EXECUTER.
EXECUTORYexecutory adj. Of or pertaining to administration or execution.
executory adj. (Law) Yet to be completed; not fully executed, performed or carried out; lacking in execution, unfulfilled;…
EXECUTORY adj. pertaining to administration, or putting the laws in force.
MISTUTORSmistutors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mistutor.
MISTUTOR v. to instruct badly.
STATUTORYstatutory adj. Of, relating to, enacted or regulated by a statute.
STATUTORY adj. of or related to statute.
TUTORAGEStutorages n. Plural of tutorage.
TUTORAGE n. the act of tutoring, also TUTELAGE.
TUTORIALStutorials n. Plural of tutorial.
TUTORIAL n. a session with a tutor.
TUTORINGStutorings n. Plural of tutoring.
TUTORING n. the act of tutoring.
TUTORISEDtutorised v. Simple past tense and past participle of tutorise.
TUTORISE v. to tutor, also TUTORIZE.
TUTORISEStutorises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tutorise.
TUTORISE v. to tutor, also TUTORIZE.
TUTORISMSTUTORISM n. the act of tutoring.
TUTORIZEDtutorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of tutorize.
TUTORIZE v. to tutor, also TUTORISE.
TUTORIZEStutorizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tutorize.
TUTORIZE v. to tutor, also TUTORISE.
TUTORSHIPtutorship n. The duty of a tutor; tutelage.
TUTORSHIP n. the position of tutor.
UNTUTOREDuntutored adj. Untrained, not taught or educated in a field of knowledge.
UNTUTORED adj. not tutored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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