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There are 20 nine-letter words containing USTR

APLUSTRESaplustres n. Plural of aplustre.
APLUSTRE n. (Latin) an ornamental appendage of wood at a ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather.
AUSTRALESAUSTRAL n. (Latin) a unit of currency in Argentina.
AUSTRALISAUSTRALIS adj. as in aurora australis, lights seen round the South Pole.
BLUSTROUSblustrous adj. Obsolete form of blusterous.
BLUSTROUS adj. (Shakespeare) inclined to bluster, also BLUSTEROUS.
CLAUSTRALclaustral adj. Of or pertaining to a cloister.
claustral adj. Having cloisters; cloistered.
claustral adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the claustrum of the brain.
CLAUSTRUMclaustrum n. (Neuroanatomy) A thin, irregular sheet of grey matter underneath the inner part of the neocortex on…
CLAUSTRUM n. (Latin) a thin lamina of gray matter in each cerebral hemisphere of the brain of man.
DELUSTREDdelustred v. Simple past tense and past participle of delustre.
DELUSTRE v. to remove the lustre from.
DELUSTRESdelustres v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of delustre.
DELUSTRE v. to remove the lustre from.
DISLUSTREdislustre v. To give up or lose lustre.
DISLUSTRE v. (archaic) to deprive of lustre.
FLUSTRATEflustrate v. (Colloquial) To fluster.
FLUSTRATE v. (obsolete) to fluster.
FRUSTRATEfrustrate v. (Transitive) To disappoint or defeat; to vex by depriving of something expected or desired.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To hinder or thwart.
frustrate v. (Transitive) To cause stress or annoyance.
GOUSTROUSGOUSTROUS adj. (Scots) boisterous, rude.
LIGUSTRUMligustrum n. Any of several shrubs, of the genus Ligustrum, widely used for hedges; privet.
Ligustrum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Oleaceae – the privets.
LIGUSTRUM n. a plant of a genus that comprises the privets.
LUSTRATEDlustrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of lustrate.
LUSTRATE v. to purify ceremonially.
LUSTRATESlustrates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lustrate.
LUSTRATE v. to purify ceremonially.
LUSTRINESlustrines n. Plural of lustrine.
LUSTRINE n. a glossy silk cloth, also LUSTRING, LUTESTRING.
LUSTRINGSlustrings n. Plural of lustring.
LUSTRING n. a glossy silk cloth, also LUSTRINE, LUTESTRING.
OUTLUSTREoutlustre v. (Poetic, transitive) To surpass in brightness or lustre; to outshine.
OUTLUSTRE v. (Shakespeare) to exceed in lustre, also OUTLUSTER.
PALUSTRALpalustral adj. Pertaining to or living in marshes; marshy.
PALUSTRAL adj. of marshes, inhabiting marshes, also PALUSTRIAN, PALUSTRINE.
PLAUSTRALplaustral adj. (Obsolete) Of or relating to a wagon.
PLAUSTRAL adj. of or pertaining to a cart or wagon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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