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There are 16 nine-letter words containing USER

ABSTRUSERabstruser adj. (Rare) comparative form of abstruse: more abstruse.
ABSTRUSE adj. difficult to understand.
ANTIBUSERantibuser n. One who opposes busing (transportation of children to school so as to achieve racial integration).
ANTIBUSER n. a person who opposes the busing of children to faraway schools to achieve racial balance.
CAROUSERScarousers n. Plural of carouser.
CAROUSER n. one who carouses.
CAUSERIEScauseries n. Plural of causerie.
CAUSERIE n. (French) a light and informal conversation; a brief, conversational essay.
CURIOUSERcuriouser adj. (Informal or nonstandard) comparative form of curious: more curious.
CURIOUS adj. inquisitive.
DELOUSERSdelousers n. Plural of delouser.
DELOUSER n. an agent that removes lice.
DIFFUSERSdiffusers n. Plural of diffuser.
DIFFUSER n. one that diffuses, also DIFFUSOR.
ESPOUSERSespousers n. Plural of espouser.
ESPOUSER n. one who espouses.
HOUSEROOMhouseroom n. (Uncountable) Room or place in a house.
houseroom n. (Countable) A room dedicated for the use of a particular house at a boarding school.
HOUSEROOM n. room or place in a house; as, to give any one houseroom.
JEALOUSERjealouser adj. Comparative form of jealous: more jealous.
JEALOUS adj. resentful of another's advantages, also GEALOUS.
MOUSERIESmouseries n. Plural of mousery.
MOUSERY n. a place where mice gather.
MULTIUSERmultiuser adj. (Computing, telecommunications) Of a operating system, etc., having capabilities for serving many users…
multi-user adj. Alternative form of multiuser.
MULTIUSER adj. able to be used by many users at once.
PROFUSERSPROFUSER n. a prodigal or spendthrift.
SUPERUSERsuperuser n. (Computing) A user with complete access to the operating system and its configuration.
super-user n. Alternative spelling of superuser.
SUPERUSER n. in computing, a special facility used by a systems administrator, giving unrestricted access to the system.
TROUSEREDtrousered adj. Dressed in trousers.
trousered v. Past participle of trouser.
TROUSER v. to appropriate or pocket money.
USERNAMESusernames n. Plural of username.
user␣names n. Plural of user name.
USERNAME n. an identifying sequence of characters used for logging onto a computer system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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