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There are 7 nine-letter words containing UROC

AUROCHSESaurochses n. Plural of aurochs.
AUROCHS n. (German) an extinct wild ox, aka ure or urus.
EUROCRATSeurocrats n. Plural of eurocrat.
Eurocrats n. Plural of Eurocrat.
EUROCRAT n. a senior member of the administration of the European Union.
EUROCREEPeurocreep n. Alternative form of Eurocreep.
Eurocreep n. (Uncountable, dated) The spreading use of the Euro as currency in countries that have not officially adopted it.
Eurocreep n. (Countable, by extension, derogatory) A proponent, in the 1980s, of closer ties between Britain and…
NEUROCHIPneurochip n. An integrated circuit designed to interface with neurons.
NEUROCHIP n. a microchip used in neural networks.
NEUROCOELneurocoel n. Alternative form of neurocoele.
NEUROCOEL n. a cavity in the brain, also NEUROCOELE.
UROCHORDSurochords n. Plural of urochord.
UROCHORD n. a rodlike structure in certain lower vertebrates.
UROCHROMEurochrome n. (Biochemistry) A pigment that causes the yellow color in urine. It is a breakdown product of the blood’s…
UROCHROME n. an amorphous yellow pigment found in urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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