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There are 18 nine-letter words containing UETT

BAGUETTESbaguettes n. Plural of baguette.
BAGUETTE n. (French) a long French loaf, also BAGUET, BAGNETTE.
BANQUETTEbanquette n. (Military) A narrow area behind a defensive wall’s parapet elevated above its terreplein and used by…
banquette n. A bench built into a wall, especially (military) one built into a wall of a defensive trench, used for…
banquette n. An upholstered bench, e.g., along a wall of a restaurant or lounge area.
BARQUETTEbarquette n. A kind of small sailboat.
barquette n. A small boat-shaped pastry shell with a sweet or savoury filling.
BARQUETTE n. (French) a small barque.
BRIQUETTEbriquette n. A small brick, typically made of charcoal and used for fuel.
briquette n. A block of artificial stone in the form of a brick, used for paving.
briquette n. A molded sample of solidified cement or mortar for use as a test piece for showing the strength of the material.
COQUETTEDcoquetted v. Simple past tense and past participle of coquet.
COQUET v. (French) to flirt, also COQUETTE.
COQUETTEScoquettes n. Plural of coquette.
COQUETTE v. (French) to flirt, also COQUET.
CROQUETTEcroquette n. (Cooking) A minced, cooked food (usually meat or vegetables), which is deep-fried in fat and sometimes…
CROQUETTE n. (French) a ball or cylindrical cake of minced meat, potatoes etc.
DUETTINOSduettinos n. Plural of duettino.
DUETTINO n. (Italian) a simple duet.
DUETTISTSduettists n. Plural of duettist.
DUETTIST n. a participant in a duet.
ETIQUETTEetiquette n. The forms required by a good upbringing, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official…
etiquette n. The customary behavior of members of a profession, business, law, or sports team towards each other.
etiquette n. A label used to indicate that a letter is to be sent by airmail.
LANGUETTElanguette n. Alternative form of languet.
languette n. Synonym of lingula.
languette n. A tongue-shaped design used to decorate Ancient Greek pottery.
MAQUETTESmaquettes n. Plural of maquette.
MAQUETTE n. (French) a small model of something to be made on a larger scale.
MOQUETTESmoquettes n. Plural of moquette.
MOQUETTE n. (French) a thick piled fabric used in upholstery and carpeting.
PIROUETTEpirouette n. A whirling or turning on the toes in dancing, primarily in ballet.
pirouette n. The whirling about of a horse.
pirouette v. (Intransitive) To perform a pirouette; to whirl on the toes, like a dancer.
PLAQUETTEplaquette n. A small metal tablet decorated in bas-relief, usually with a design including figures.
plaquette n. (Physics) The smallest closed loop, enclosing the region between four lattice sites, in lattice gauge theory.
PLAQUETTE n. (French) a small plaque.
ROQUETTESroquettes n. Plural of roquette.
ROQUETTE n. (French) a kind of salad plant, also ROCKET.
STATUETTEstatuette n. A small statue, usually a figure much less than life size, especially when of marble or bronze, or of…
STATUETTE n. a small statue.
SUETTIESTSUETTY adj. resembling suet, also SUETY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 98 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 27 words
  • Scrabble in German: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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