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There are 14 nine-letter words containing UENT

AFFLUENTSaffluents n. Plural of affluent.
AFFLUENT n. a stream that flows into another.
CONFLUENTconfluent adj. (Of two or more objects or shapes) Converging, merging or flowing together into one.
confluent adj. (Meteorology, of wind) Converging, especially as viewed on a weather chart.
confluent adj. (Biology) Describing cells in a culture that merge to form a mass.
CONGRUENTcongruent adj. Corresponding in character; congruous.
congruent adj. Harmonious.
congruent adj. (Mathematics) Having a difference divisible by a modulus.
DIFFLUENTdiffluent adj. Flowing apart or off; dissolving; not fixed.
DIFFLUENT adj. readily flowing away.
DISFLUENTdisfluent adj. Alternative form of dysfluent.
DISFLUENT adj. not fluent, also DYSFLUENT.
DYSFLUENTdysfluent adj. Without proper fluency; not fluent.
DYSFLUENT adj. not fluent, also DISFLUENT.
EFFLUENTSeffluents n. Plural of effluent.
EFFLUENT n. outflow from sewage.
FREQUENTSfrequents v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frequent.
FREQUENT v. to go to habitually.
INFLUENTSinfluents n. Plural of influent.
INFLUENT n. a tributary stream.
OBSEQUENTobsequent adj. (Obsolete) Obedient; submissive; obsequious.
obsequent adj. (Geology) Facing the opposite way of what would be expected, for example, a stream flowing towards higher elevation.
obsequent n. (Geology) An obsequent geological feature.
OBSTRUENTobstruent adj. Causing obstruction; blocking up.
obstruent n. (Phonetics) A consonant sound formed by obstructing the airway, causing turbulence; a plosive, fricative…
obstruent n. (Medicine) Anything that obstructs, especially in the passages of the body.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
SEQUENTLYSEQUENT adv. following.
UNGUENTUMUNGUENTUM n. (Latin) an ointment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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