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There are 18 nine-letter words containing UBER

AUBERGINEaubergine n. (Britain) An Asian plant, Solanum melongena, cultivated for its edible purple, green, or white ovoid fruit; eggplant.
aubergine n. (Britain) The fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.
aubergine n. (Color) A dark purple colour; eggplant.
DAUBERIESdauberies n. Plural of daubery.
DAUBERY n. a crudely artful device, a pretence, also DAUBRY, DAWBRY.
EXUBERANTexuberant adj. (Of people) Very high-spirited; extremely energetic and enthusiastic.
exuberant adj. (Literary, of things that grow) Abundant, luxuriant.
EXUBERANT adj. luxuriant, overflowing.
EXUBERATEexuberate v. (Obsolete) To abound; to be in great abundance.
exuberate v. (Now rare) To develop into (something), by an exuberance of growth.
exuberate v. To delight, to make exuberant.
GUBERNIYAguberniya n. (Historical) A major administrative subdivision of the Russian Empire; a governorate or province.
GUBERNIYA n. (Russian) a territorial division of imperial Russia.
PUBERTIESpuberties n. Plural of puberty.
PUBERTY n. the beginning of sexual maturity.
SUBERATESsuberates n. Plural of suberate.
SUBERATE n. a salt of suberic acid.
SUBEREOUSsubereous adj. Of or relating to cork; of the nature of cork; suberose.
SUBEREOUS adj. pertaining to cork, also SUBEROSE, SUBEROUS.
SUBERISEDsuberised v. Simple past tense and past participle of suberise.
SUBERISE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERIZE.
SUBERISESsuberises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suberise.
SUBERISE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERIZE.
SUBERIZEDsuberized v. Simple past tense and past participle of suberize.
SUBERIZE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERISE.
SUBERIZESsuberizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suberize.
SUBERIZE v. to convert into cork tissue, also SUBERISE.
TUBERCLEDtubercled adj. Having, or affected with, tubercles.
TUBERCLED adj. having tubercles.
TUBERCLEStubercles n. Plural of tubercle.
TUBERCLE n. a small tuber, protuberance or swelling, also TUBERCULE.
TUBERCULAtubercula n. Plural of tuberculum.
TUBERCULUM n. a tubercle.
TUBERCULEtubercule n. Alternative form of tubercle.
TUBERCULE n. a small tuber, protuberance or swelling, also TUBERCLE.
TUBEROIDStuberoids n. Plural of tuberoid.
TUBEROID n. a thickened or fleshy root resembling a tuber.
TUBEROSEStuberoses n. Plural of tuberose.
TUBEROSE n. a Mexican amaryllid with fragrant, creamy-white flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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