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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing UATI

ACTUATINGactuating v. Present participle of actuate.
ACTUATE v. to put into action.
ACTUATIONactuation n. The act of putting into motion.
ACTUATION n. a bringing into action; an effecting.
AQUATINTAaquatinta n. (Dated, art) aquatint.
AQUATINTA n. a print made by a method of etching having the effect of watercolour drawing, also AQUATINT.
AQUATINTSaquatints n. Plural of aquatint.
AQUATINT v. to etch using a certain process having the effect of watercolour drawing.
ARCUATIONarcuation n. The act of bending or curving; the state of being bent; crookedness.
arcuation n. (Botany) A method of propagating trees by bending branches to the ground and covering the small shoots…
ARCUATION n. the state of being shaped like a bow.
EQUATIONSequations n. Plural of equation.
EQUATION n. the act of making equal.
LIQUATINGliquating v. Present participle of liquate.
LIQUATE v. to separate or purify (metals) by heating to liquify certain components.
LIQUATIONliquation n. (Metallurgy) The partial melting of a mixture of metals or ores in order to separate components.
LIQUATION n. the act or operation of making or becoming liquid.
SINUATINGsinuating adj. Curvy or wavy.
sinuating v. Present participle of sinuate.
SINUATE v. to curve in and out.
SINUATIONsinuation n. The act of sinuating, or property of being sinuous.
SINUATION n. a winding or bending in and out.
SITUATINGsituating v. Present participle of situate.
SITUATE v. to place in a certain position.
SITUATIONsituation n. The combination of circumstances at a given moment; a state of affairs.
situation n. The way in which something is positioned vis-à-vis its surroundings.
situation n. The place in which something is situated; a location.
VACUATINGvacuating v. Present participle of vacuate.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VACUATIONvacuation n. The act of emptying or clearing out.
VACUATION n. the act of emptying.
VALUATINGvaluating v. Present participle of valuate.
VALUATE v. to appraise, evaluate.
VALUATIONvaluation n. An estimation of something’s worth.
valuation n. (Finance, insurance) The process of estimating the value of a financial asset or liability.
valuation n. (Logic, propositional logic, model theory) An assignment of truth values to propositional variables…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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