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There are 14 nine-letter words containing UART

QUARTEREDquartered v. Simple past tense and past participle of quarter.
QUARTER v. to divide into four parts.
QUARTERERquarterer n. (Historical) One of a group of agricultural workers who were entitled to keep a quarter of the harvest…
QUARTERER n. one who quarters.
QUARTERLYquarterly adj. Occurring once every quarter year (three months).
quarterly adj. (Heraldry) (of a coat of arms) Divided into four parts crosswise.
quarterly adv. Once every quarter year (three months).
QUARTERNSquarterns n. Plural of quartern.
QUARTERN n. a fourth part.
QUARTETTEquartette n. Alternative spelling of quartet.
QUARTETTE n. a set of four; a composition for four voices or instruments, also QUARTET, QUARTETT, QUARTETTO.
QUARTETTIquartetti n. Plural of quartetto.
QUARTETTO n. (Italian) a quartet, a composition for four voices, also QUARTET, QUARTETT, QUARTETTE.
QUARTETTOquartetto n. (Archaic) A quartet.
QUARTETTO n. (Italian) a quartet, a composition for four voices, also QUARTET, QUARTETT, QUARTETTE.
QUARTETTSquartetts n. Plural of quartett.
QUARTETT n. a composition for four voices or instruments, also QUARTET, QUARTETTE, QUARTETTO.
QUARTIERSquartiers n. Plural of quartier.
QUARTIER n. (French) a specified district in a French town or city.
QUARTILESquartiles n. Plural of quartile.
QUARTILE n. an aspect of the planets when their longitudes differ by 90.
QUARTZIERquartzier adj. Comparative form of quartzy: more quartzy.
QUARTZY adj. like quartz.
QUARTZITEquartzite n. (Mineralogy) A metamorphic rock from sandstone, consisting of interlocking grains of quartz.
QUARTZITE n. a metamorphosed sandstone.
QUARTZOSEquartzose adj. Pertaining to quartz; made of quartz.
QUARTZOSE adj. of or containing quartz, also QUARTZOUS.
QUARTZOUSquartzous adj. Pertaining to quartz; made of quartz.
QUARTZOUS adj. of or containing quartz, also QUARTZOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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