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There are 10 eight-letter words containing UTEL

ARGUTELYargutely adv. In an argute manner.
ARGUTE adv. shrill, keen.
ASTUTELYastutely adv. In an astute manner.
ASTUTE adv. shrewd and perceptive.
GLUTELINglutelin n. A minor protein (along with gluten and gliadin) in wheat.
GLUTELIN n. a simple plant protein found in cereals.
JUTELIKEjutelike adj. Resembling jute.
JUTELIKE adj. like jute.
LUTELIKElutelike adj. (Music) Resembling a lute in form or sound.
LUTELIKE adj. like a lute.
MINUTELYminutely adv. With attention to tiny details.
minutely adv. On a minute scale. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
minutely adj. Happening every minute; continuing; unceasing.
SCUTELLAscutella n. Plural of scutellum.
scutella n. A scutellum.
Scutella prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Scutellidae – extinct sand dollars that lived from c. 100mya to c. 4mya.
TUTELAGEtutelage n. The act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; guardianship; protection.
tutelage n. The state of being under a guardian or a tutor; care or protection enjoyed.
tutelage n. Instruction; teaching; guidance.
TUTELARStutelars n. Plural of tutelar.
TUTELAR n. one who has the power to protect, also TUTELARY.
TUTELARYtutelary adj. Relating to guardianship or protection.
tutelary adj. Of or pertaining to a guardian.
tutelary adj. Having the qualities of a tutor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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