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There are 8 eight-letter words containing UROS

NEUROSALneurosal adj. Relating to a neurosis.
NEUROSAL adj. relating to neurosis.
NEUROSESneuroses n. Plural of neurosis.
NEUROSIS n. a type of emotional disturbance.
NEUROSISneurosis n. (Pathology) A mental disorder, less severe than psychosis, marked by anxiety or fear which differ from…
NEUROSIS n. a type of emotional disturbance.
UROSCOPYuroscopy n. (Medicine) the diagnostic examination of urine.
UROSCOPY n. the diagnosis of diseases by inspection of urine, also OUROSCOPY.
UROSOMESurosomes n. Plural of urosome.
UROSOME n. the abdomen, or post-abdomen, of arthropods.
UROSTEGEurostege n. (Zoology) One of the plates on the underside of a snake’s tail.
UROSTEGE n. (Greek) a snake's ventral tail-plate.
UROSTOMYurostomy n. A surgically constructed opening in the urinary tract allowing urine to exit the body; the procedure…
UROSTOMY n. an artificial passage for urine.
UROSTYLEurostyle n. (Anatomy) A styliform process forming the posterior extremity of the vertebral column in some fishes and amphibians.
UROSTYLE n. a part of the vertebral column of frogs and toads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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