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There are 17 eight-letter words containing UNNI

CUNNINGScunnings n. Plural of cunning.
Cunnings prop.n. Plural of Cunning.
CUNNING n. skill in deception.
DUNNIESTdunniest adj. Superlative form of dunny: most dunny.
DUNNY adj. stupid.
DUNNINGSdunnings n. Plural of dunning.
Dunnings prop.n. Plural of Dunning.
DUNNING n. the act of dunning, pressing for payment.
DUNNITESDUNNITE n. a kind of explosive based on ammonium picrate.
FUNNIESTfunniest adj. Superlative form of funny: most funny.
FUNNY adj. amusing.
GUNNINGSgunnings n. Plural of gunning.
Gunnings prop.n. Plural of Gunning.
GUNNING n. the sport of hunting with a gun.
MUNNIONSmunnions n. Plural of munnion.
MUNNION n. an upright division between window panes, also MULLION.
PUNNIESTpunniest adj. Superlative form of punny: most punny.
PUNNY adj. involving a pun.
PUNNINGSpunnings n. Plural of punning.
PUNNING n. the act of punning.
RUNNIESTrunniest adj. Superlative form of runny: most runny.
RUNNY adj. inclined to run or liquefy.
RUNNINGSrunnings n. Plural of running.
Runnings prop.n. Plural of Running.
RUNNING n. a race.
RUNNIONSrunnions n. Plural of runnion.
Runnions prop.n. Plural of Runnion.
RUNNION n. (Shakespeare) a mangy or scabby creature, also RONION, RONYON.
SHUNNINGshunning v. Present participle of shun.
shunning n. The act by which something is shunned; avoidance.
SHUN v. to avoid.
STUNNINGstunning adj. Having an effect that stuns.
stunning adj. (Informal) Exceptionally beautiful or attractive.
stunning adj. (Informal) Amazing; wonderfully good.
SUNNIESTsunniest adj. Superlative form of sunny: most sunny.
SUNNY adj. full of sun.
TRUNNIONtrunnion n. One of the short stubby bearings on either side of a cannon; a gudgeon.
trunnion n. A similar rotational bearing comprising a rotating arc or ring sliding in the groove of a stationary…
trunnion n. A shaft, held by a bearing, at each end or side of a rotatable object.
TUNNINGSTUNNING n. the act of tunning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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