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There are 11 eight-letter words containing UNDO

BUNDOOKSbundooks n. Plural of bundook.
BUNDOOK n. (Urdu) Indian army slang for a rifle, a shotgun, also BANDOOK.
PUNDONORPUNDONOR n. (Spanish) a point of honor.
RUNDOWNSrundowns n. Plural of rundown.
run-downs n. Plural of run-down.
RUNDOWN n. a summary, a statement bringing together all the main items.
SUNDOWNSsundowns n. Plural of sundown.
sundowns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sundown.
SUNDOWN n. the time at which the sun goes down.
UNDOABLEundoable adj. Not doable; impossible to do.
undoable n. Something that cannot be done; an impossible or impractical task.
undoable adj. Possible to undo; reversible.
UNDOCILEundocile adj. Not docile.
UNDOCILE adj. not docile, also INDOCILE.
UNDOCKEDundocked v. Simple past tense and past participle of undock.
UNDOCK v. to move away from a dock.
UNDOINGSundoings n. Plural of undoing.
UNDOING n. the reversal of what has been done.
UNDOOMEDundoomed adj. Not doomed; unfated, uncondemned.
UNDOOMED adj. not doomed.
UNDOTTEDundotted adj. Lacking dots.
UNDOTTED adj. not dotted.
UNDOUBLEundouble v. (Transitive) To undo the doubling of; to unfold, or render single again.
UNDOUBLE v. to change from a state of being doubled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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