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There are 19 eight-letter words containing UNCI

ADUNCITYaduncity n. Crookedness, curvaceousness, hookedness.
ADUNCITY n. state of being hooked.
BOUNCIERbouncier adj. Comparative form of bouncy: more bouncy.
BOUNCY adj. tending to bounce.
BOUNCILYbouncily adv. In a bouncy manner.
BOUNCY adv. tending to bounce.
BOUNCINGbouncing adj. Healthy; vigorous.
bouncing adj. (Obsolete, informal) Excessively big; whopping.
bouncing v. Present participle of bounce.
COUNCILScouncils n. Plural of council.
COUNCIL n. an assembly appointed for a certain reason.
DUNCICALduncical adj. (Archaic) Like a dunce; stupid.
DUNCICAL adj. relating to a dunce.
JAUNCINGjauncing v. Present participle of jaunce.
JAUNCE v. to prance, also JAUNSE.
JOUNCIERjouncier adj. Comparative form of jouncy: more jouncy.
JOUNCY adj. jolting.
JOUNCINGjouncing v. Present participle of jounce.
jouncing n. A motion that jounces.
JOUNCE v. to jolt, shake.
LAUNCINGlauncing v. Present participle of launce.
LAUNCE v. (Spenser) to pierce.
POUNCINGpouncing v. Present participle of pounce.
pouncing n. The art or practice of transferring a design by means of pounce.
pouncing n. Decorative perforation of cloth.
ROUNCIESrouncies n. Plural of rouncy.
ROUNCY n. (archaic) a riding-horse, a nag.
RUNCIBLEruncible adj. (Humorous) A nonce word used for humorous effect.
RUNCIBLE adj. a nonsense word applied by Edward Lear to a spoon with fork tines.
SEMUNCIAsemuncia n. (Historical) A bronze coin minted during the Roman Republic, valued at one twenty-fourth of an as.
SEMUNCIA n. (Latin) a Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound.
UNCIALLYuncially adv. In uncial script.
UNCIAL adv. in uncial form.
UNCIFORMunciform adj. Of the shape of a hook; hook-shaped.
unciform n. The hamate bone.
UNCIFORM n. a bone of the wrist.
UNCINATEuncinate adj. (Botany) Hooked at the end.
uncinate adj. (Anatomy) Hooked in form; possessing a hook.
UNCINATE adj. bent at the end like a hook, also UNCINAL.
UNCIPHERuncipher v. (Obsolete, transitive) To decode or decipher.
UNCIPHER v. (obsolete) to decipher.
VAUNCINGvauncing v. Present participle of vaunce.
VAUNCE v. (Spenser) to advance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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