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There are 14 six-letter words containing USER

ABUSERabuser n. One who abuses someone or something.
abuser n. (Obsolete) One who uses in an illegal or wrongful use.
ABUSER n. one who abuses.
AMUSERamuser n. Someone who amuses.
amuser n. (Obsolete) One who diverts attention, usually to distract or bewilder, often for fraudulent purposes;…
amuser n. (Historical, early 19th century) One of a class of rogues who carry snuff or dust in their pockets…
BUSERABUSERA n. a Ugandan alcoholic drink made from millet.
CAUSERcauser n. Someone or something that causes or produces an effect.
Causer prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation.
CAUSER n. one who causes.
DOUSERdouser n. One who, or that which, douses or extinguishes.
DOUSER n. something used for dousing.
HOUSERhouser n. One who, or that which, houses.
houser n. (Informal) A house music track.
Houser prop.n. A surname.
LOUSERLOUSER n. (Irish) a mean, nasty person.
LUSERSlusers n. Plural of luser.
LUSER n. a user of a computer system as perceived by a technical support group.
MOUSERmouser n. A cat that catches mice, kept specifically for the purpose.
mouser n. (Chiefly Scotland, US) A moustache.
Mouser prop.n. A surname.
MUSERSmusers n. Plural of muser.
Musers prop.n. Plural of Muser.
Musers n. Plural of Muser.
PAUSERpauser n. Someone who pauses.
PAUSER n. one who pauses.
ROUSERrouser n. Something very exciting or stimulating.
rouser n. One who rouses another from sleep.
rouser n. (Colloquial, archaic) A stirrer in a copper for boiling wort.
SOUSERSOUSER n. a drunkard.
TOUSERtouser n. (UK, dialect) One who touses.
TOUSER n. one who touses, also TOWSER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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