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There are 12 six-letter words containing UNDE

BUNDEDbunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of bund.
BUND v. to make an embankment.
DUNDERdunder n. (Caribbean) The lees or dregs of cane juice, used in the distillation of rum.
dunder n. (Australia) Distillery effluent.
dunder n. (Programming, informal) A double underscore, __.
FUNDEDfunded v. Simple past tense and past participle of fund.
funded adj. Having received financial support; paid for.
funded adj. (Finance) Invested in public funds; existing in the form of bonds.
FUNDERfunder n. One who funds.
FUNDER n. a financial backer.
SUNDERsunder adj. (Dialectal or obsolete) Sundry; separate; different.
sunder v. (Transitive) To break or separate or to break apart, especially with force.
sunder v. (Intransitive) To part, separate.
SUNDEWsundew n. Any of a group of insectivorous plants in the genus Drosera that catch insects by sticky droplets ("dew")…
SUNDEW n. an insectivorous bog-plant.
TUNDEDTUND v. (archaic) to beat, thump.
UNDEADundead adj. Pertaining to a corpse, though having qualities of life.
undead adj. (Horror fiction) Being animate, though non-living.
undead n. (Horror fiction) Those creatures which are undead; that is, dead yet still animate.
UNDEAFundeaf v. (Transitive, nonce word) To free from deafness.
UNDEAF v. (Shakespeare) to free from deafness.
UNDEARundear adj. Not dear.
UNDEAR adj. not dear.
UNDECKundeck v. (Transitive) To divest of ornaments.
UNDECK v. to rid or ornaments.
UNDERNundern n. (Obsolete) Synonym of terce: the third hour of daylight (about 9 am).
undern n. (Obsolete) Synonym of noon: the sixth hour of daylight (12 pm).
undern n. (UK, dialectal) Synonym of afternoon.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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