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There are 13 six-letter words containing UNCH

BRUNCHbrunch n. A meal eaten later in the day than breakfast and earlier than lunch, and often consisting of typical…
brunch v. To eat brunch.
BRUNCH v. to eat a late morning meal.
BUNCHYbunchy adj. Having, or growing in bunches.
BUNCHY adj. clustered.
CLUNCHclunch n. (UK) A traditional building material mostly made of chalk or clay.
clunch v. (Transitive) To grasp firmly; clench.
CLUNCH n. a tough clay.
CRUNCHcrunch v. To crush something, especially food, with a noisy crackling sound.
crunch v. To be crushed with a noisy crackling sound.
crunch v. (Slang) To calculate or otherwise process (e.g. to crunch numbers: to perform mathematical calculations)…
GAUNCHgaunch v. Alternative form of ganch (“to impale”).
GAUNCH v. to impale, also GANCH.
GLUNCHGLUNCH v. to frown.
HAUNCHhaunch n. (Anatomy) The area encompassing the upper thigh, hip and buttocks on one side of a human, primate, or…
haunch n. The loin and leg of a quadruped, especially when used as food.
haunch n. (Architecture) A squat vertical support structure.
LAUNCHlaunch v. (Transitive) To throw (a projectile such as a lance, dart or ball); to hurl; to propel with force.
launch v. (Transitive, obsolete) To pierce with, or as with, a lance.
launch v. (Transitive) To cause (a vessel) to move or slide from the land or a larger vessel into the water; to set afloat.
MUNCHYmunchy n. (Informal) A snack.
MUNCHY adj. suitable for snacking.
PAUNCHpaunch n. The first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant, the rumen.
paunch n. The contents of this stomach in a slaughtered animal, viewed as food or a byproduct.
paunch n. The belly of a human, especially a large, fat protruding one.
PUNCHYpunchy adj. Having a punch; effective; forceful; spirited; vigorous.
punchy adj. Involving or resembling a punch with the fist.
punchy adj. Behaving or appearing punch-drunk, reacting poorly.
RAUNCHraunch n. Low class condition or content; inferiority; inadequacy.
raunch n. Dishonorable, base, and vulgar expression.
raunch n. Socially unacceptable sexual behavior.
UNCHICunchic adj. Unfashionable.
UNCHIC adj. not chic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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