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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing UENT

CONSEQUENTIALconsequential adj. Following as a result.
consequential adj. Having significant consequences; of importance.
consequential adj. Important or significant.
CONSTITUENTLYconstituently adv. In terms of the constituents of a mixture.
CONSTITUENT adv. forming part of.
FREQUENTATIONfrequentation n. The act of frequenting a particular place.
FREQUENTATION n. the act of frequenting.
FREQUENTATIVEfrequentative adj. (Grammar) Serving to express repetition of an action.
frequentative n. (Grammar) Any of a subclass of imperfective verbs that denote a repeated action, no longer productive…
FREQUENTATIVE n. a tense of a verb denoting a repeated or recurrent action or state.
GRANDILOQUENTgrandiloquent adj. (Of a person, their language or writing) Given to using language in a showy way by using an excessive…
INCONGRUENTLYincongruently adv. In an incongruent way.
INCONGRUENT adv. not congruent.
INFLUENTIALLYinfluentially adv. In an influential manner.
INFLUENTIAL adv. having great influence.
MELLIFLUENTLYmellifluently adv. In a mellifluent manner.
MELLIFLUENT adv. sweet-sounding; flowing with honey, also MELLIFLUOUS.
NONDELINQUENTnondelinquent n. One who is not a delinquent.
NONDELINQUENT n. one who is not a delinquent.
NONSEQUENTIALnonsequential adj. Not sequential; not in any regular sequence.
non-sequential adj. Not sequential.
NONSEQUENTIAL adj. not sequential.
RECONSTITUENTreconstituent n. (Archaic, medicine) A medicinal remedy that restores the constitution.
RECONSTITUENT n. something reconstituted.
SEQUENTIALITYsequentiality n. The condition of being sequential.
SEQUENTIALITY n. the state of being sequential.
SUBSEQUENTIALsubsequential adj. Subsequent.
subsequential adj. (Mathematics) Relating to a subsequence.
SUBSEQUENTIAL adj. subsequent.
UNFREQUENTINGunfrequenting v. Present participle of unfrequent.
UNFREQUENT v. to stop frequenting.
UNINFLUENTIALuninfluential adj. Not influential; lacking influence.
UNINFLUENTIAL adj. not influential.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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