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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing USTA

DECRUSTATIONdecrustation n. The removal of a crust.
DECRUSTATION n. removal of a crust.
DEGUSTATIONSdegustations n. Plural of degustation.
dégustations n. Plural of dégustation.
DEGUSTATION n. the action or an instance of tasting esp. in a series of small portions.
ENCRUSTATIONencrustation n. Alternative form of incrustation.
ENCRUSTATION n. the act of encrusting; a crust or layer of anything, also INCRUSTATION.
EUSTATICALLYeustatically adv. By means of eustasy.
EUSTATIC adv. of changes in world shoreline level, probably caused by rise or fall of the sea-level and not by subsidence or elevation of the land.
INCRUSTATIONincrustation n. The act of incrusting, or the state of being incrusted.
incrustation n. A crust or hard coating of anything upon or within a body, as a deposit of lime, sediment, etc., from…
incrustation n. A covering or inlaying of marble, mosaic, etc., attached to the masonry by cramp irons or cement.
MOUSTACHIOEDmoustachioed adj. (Of a man or his face) Possessing a moustache or moustachio.
moustachioed v. Simple past tense and past participle of moustachio.
MOUSTACHIOED adj. having a moustachio.
PREGUSTATIONpregustation n. The act of tasting beforehand; foretaste.
PREGUSTATION n. a foretaste.
READJUSTABLEreadjustable adj. Capable of being readjusted.
READJUSTABLE adj. that can be readjusted.
SUPRACRUSTALSUPRACRUSTAL adj. of rocks, on or near the surface, above the earth's crust.
SUSTAININGLYsustainingly adv. So as to sustain or offer sustenance.
SUSTAINING adv. preserving life.
SUSTAINMENTSsustainments n. Plural of sustainment.
SUSTAINMENT n. the act of sustaining.
TRUSTABILITYtrustability n. The quality or state of being trustable.
TRUSTABILITY n. the state of being trustable.
TRUSTAFARIANtrustafarian n. (Slang) A young person with the fashion sensibilities of a hippie, or any other countercultural trend…
TRUSTAFARIAN n. an affluent young person who adopts a bohemian lifestyle and unkempt appearance.
UNSUSTAININGunsustaining adj. That does not sustain.
UNSUSTAINING adj. not sustaining.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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