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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing UROP

AILOUROPHILEailourophile n. Alternative spelling of ailurophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
AILOUROPHOBEailourophobe n. Alternative spelling of ailurophobe.
AILOUROPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of cats.
AILUROPHILESailurophiles n. Plural of ailurophile.
AILUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILOUROPHILE.
AILUROPHILIAailurophilia n. A fondness or love for cats or other felines.
AILUROPHILIA n. the love of cats, also AILOUROPHILIA.
AILUROPHILICailurophilic adj. Of or relating to ailurophilia or ailurophiles.
AILUROPHILIC adj. loving cats, also AILOUROPHILIC.
AILUROPHOBESailurophobes n. Plural of ailurophobe.
AILUROPHOBE n. a person with a morbid fear of cats.
AILUROPHOBIAailurophobia n. An irrational fear or hatred of cats or other felines.
AILUROPHOBIA n. fear of cats.
AILUROPHOBICailurophobic adj. Having or relating to a fear or hatred of cats.
AILUROPHOBIC adj. having a morbid fear of cats.
NATUROPATHICnaturopathic adj. (Alternative medicine) Relating to naturopathy or to naturopaths.
NATUROPATHIC adj. relating to naturopathy.
NEUROPATHIESneuropathies n. Plural of neuropathy.
NEUROPATHY n. an affection of the nervous system or of a nerve.
NEUROPATHISTneuropathist n. (Dated) A neurologist.
NEUROPATHIST n. a specialist in nervous diseases.
NEUROPEPTIDEneuropeptide n. (Biochemistry) Any of several peptides, such as endorphins, that function as neurotransmitters.
NEUROPEPTIDE n. a peptide that influences neural activity or functioning.
NEUROPTERANSneuropterans n. Plural of neuropteran.
NEUROPTERAN n. any of an order of insect including lacewing flies, also NEUROPTERON.
NEUROPTERISTneuropterist n. An entomologist whose speciality is lacewings of the order Neuroptera.
NEUROPTERIST n. a person who studies the Neuropteroidea, lacewing flies.
NEUROPTERONSNEUROPTERON n. any of an order of insect including lacewing flies, also NEUROPTERAN.
NEUROPTEROUSneuropterous adj. Dated form of neuropteral.
NEUROPTEROUS adj. pertaining or belonging to insect order including lacewing flies.
PROSAUROPODSprosauropods n. Plural of prosauropod.
PROSAUROPOD n. a reptile-like dinosaur of the division Prosauropoda which lived in the Triassic period.
SAUROPSIDANSsauropsidans n. Plural of sauropsidan.
SAUROPSIDAN n. a member of the Sauropsida, one of the main divisions of Vertebrata including birds and reptiles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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