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There are 20 ten-letter words containing UTRI

ACCOUTRINGaccoutring v. Present participle of accoutre.
ACCOUTRE v. to dress or equip, esp. a warrior, also ACCOUTER.
ADVOUTRIESadvoutries n. Plural of advoutry.
ADVOUTRY n. (obsolete) adultery, also AVOUTRY.
COADJUTRIXcoadjutrix n. A female coadjutor.
coadjutrix n. An assistant (and eventual successor) to an abbess.
co-adjutrix n. Alternative spelling of coadjutrix.
ELUTRIATEDelutriated v. Simple past tense and past participle of elutriate.
ELUTRIATE v. to separate by washing into finer portions.
ELUTRIATESelutriates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of elutriate.
ELUTRIATE v. to separate by washing into finer portions.
ELUTRIATORelutriator n. A simple device used for elutriation.
ELUTRIATOR n. an apparatus for elutriating.
EXECUTRIESexecutries n. Plural of executry.
EXECUTRY n. in Scots law, movable or heritable estate and effects.
NUTRIMENTSnutriments n. Plural of nutriment.
NUTRIMENT n. anything which nourishes.
NUTRITIONSnutritions n. Plural of nutrition.
NUTRITION n. the act of nourishing; food.
NUTRITIOUSnutritious adj. (Of food or drink) Providing nutrients; healthy to eat.
nutritious adj. (Figurative) Salutary.
NUTRITIOUS adj. giving nourishment.
NUTRITIVESnutritives n. Plural of nutritive.
NUTRITIVE n. a substance that nourishes.
OUTRIDINGSoutridings n. Plural of outriding.
OUTRIDING n. the act of riding out.
OUTRIGGERSoutriggers n. Plural of outrigger.
out-riggers n. Plural of out-rigger.
OUTRIGGER n. a spar extended from the side of a ship to help secure the mast.
OUTRIGGINGoutrigging v. Present participle of outrig.
OUTRIGGING n. the act of rigging out.
OUTRIGHTLYoutrightly adv. Outright.
OUTRIGHT adv. totally, completely.
OUTRINGINGoutringing v. Present participle of outring.
OUTRING v. to ring louder than.
OUTRIVALEDoutrivaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outrival.
OUTRIVAL v. to outdo in rivalry.
PUTRIDNESSputridness n. Putridity.
PUTRIDNESS n. the state of being putrid, also PUTRIDITY.
UTRICULATEutriculate adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a bladder, especially by being swollen or inflated.
UTRICULATE adj. like or having a utricle, also UTRICULAR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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