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There are 16 ten-letter words containing UPTI

ABRUPTIONSabruptions n. Plural of abruption.
ABRUPTION n. a sudden, violent separation.
CORRUPTINGcorrupting v. Present participle of corrupt.
CORRUPT v. to make bad, debase.
CORRUPTIONcorruption n. The act of corrupting or of impairing integrity, virtue, or moral principle; the state of being corrupted…
corruption n. The act of corrupting or making putrid, or state of being corrupt or putrid; decomposition or disorganization…
corruption n. The product of corruption; putrid matter.
CORRUPTIVEcorruptive adj. Tending to corrupt.
CORRUPTIVE adj. tending to corrupt.
DISRUPTINGdisrupting v. Present participle of disrupt.
disrupting adj. That disrupts; disruptive.
DISRUPT v. to throw into confusion.
DISRUPTIONdisruption n. An interruption to the regular flow or sequence of something.
disruption n. A continuing act of disorder.
disruption n. A breaking or bursting apart; a breach.
DISRUPTIVEdisruptive adj. Causing disruption or unrest.
disruptive adj. (Business) Causing major change, as in a market.
DISRUPTIVE adj. causing disruption.
ERUPTIONALeruptional adj. Eruptive.
ERUPTIONAL adj. eruptive.
ERUPTIVELYeruptively adv. In an eruptive manner.
ERUPTIVE adv. breaking out or bursting forth.
ERUPTIVITYeruptivity n. The state or quality of being eruptive.
ERUPTIVITY n. the state of being eruptive.
GOLUPTIOUSgoluptious adj. Splendid, delightful, magnificent.
GOLUPTIOUS adj. (slang) delicious, voluptuous, also GOLOPTIOUS.
IRRUPTIONSirruptions n. Plural of irruption.
IRRUPTION n. a forcible or violent rush; a breaking in.
NUPTIALITYnuptiality n. The state of being married.
NUPTIALITY n. nuptial character or quality.
PRENUPTIALprenuptial adj. Occurring before marriage; antenuptial.
prenuptial n. (US) Synonym of prenuptial agreement.
pre-nuptial adj. Alternative spelling of prenuptial.
UPTIGHTESTuptightest adj. Superlative form of uptight: most uptight.
UPTIGHT adj. tense; straitlaced.
UPTITLINGSUPTITLING n. the practise of conferring grandiose titles on employees doing relatively menial jobs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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